I feel a bit as though I am being swept up in a whirlwind... in a good way of course. Not a whirlwind of discord or confusion, but rather one of excitement and anticipation. Actually, I was almost caught up in the former until I recognized a big problem. I realized that my original vision for my photography was slipping away. I took a step back in order to see what it was that I needed to do to get back on track with my dream. The action I needed to take was right in front of my face... it seemed so simple... why hadn't I seen it before? I needed to get back to the basics. I asked myself, "What moved your heart toward photography in the first place? What ignited that passion deep within you?" The answer came as I recalled the journey which brought me to this place and time. This is my story.
One day, about 2 years ago, I was driving down the highway with my husband. I looked up at the sky and was amazed to see the most breathtaking view of the sky that I've ever beheld. The clouds were perfect brushstrokes of pink, light orange, and purple on a backdrop of the deepest blue I've ever seen. The colors just melted into one another so seamlessly. At that moment I realized how many times throughout just one day we are so preoccupied with our lives, and hurrying from point A to point B, that we miss the beautiful art of the true Master Artist. Skyscapes, as I like to call them, are one of a kind art work that our Heavenly Father shares with us everyday. You will never see the same sky twice, so if you miss it... it is lost forever. I turned and expressed this to my husband and he agreed we should spend more time observing the sky and other creation all around us. I remember saying something like, "I wish there was a way for me to capture exactly what I see, and share it with the world."
A few months later we were staying with a friend, as my husband had lost his job, and I was searching the internet for something that I could call a career. I had been out of Corporate America for a year and a half at that point, and knew I didn't want to go back. I was doing very well selling Avon; however, that was not what I saw myself doing for the rest of my life either. I was looking for my passion in life. It was then that I stumbled upon a photography contest. I entered a photo that I had taken of my daughter with my small 8 year old digital camera. Although I did not win, I did receive a lot of wonderful feedback for my photo. I thought, "If I can take pictures this good with this old thing, imagine what I could do with a real camera!" I had a vision of creating unique and original works of art through photography and, at the same time, capturing God's one of a kind skyscapes, and other wondrous creations, in order to bring awareness to the beauty of the world around us. I became very excited at the prospect, but we were jobless, almost homeless, and broke.
I eventually served one more year in Corporate America in order to save money for my pro-grade camera. The day finally came in February 2011 that I was able to buy my dream camera, (Nikon D3000). I took it out of the box, read the manual front to back, while the battery charged, and then hit the road with my husband and daughter to try it out. That camera changed the way I shot photos immediately, and I have been constantly amazed at the versatility and expansion of creativity that I've encountered ever since. Around this time big changes were being made at my corporate job and I realized that I just could not be there anymore. However, the very idea of giving up yet another corporate career left me feeling obligated to immediately find a way to bring in another full time income. After long discussions with my husband, and praying, we agreed that I would be able to quit my job to pursue my photography. In my desperation to contribute to the household, I grasped at the idea of beginning a business as a portraiture photographer. I figured I could bring in an income and work on my art at the same time, and Crystal Campbell Photography was born.
In April 2011 I said goodbye to Corporate America for the last time. Things were going well as I finished by website and Facebook page a month later, and did a few shoots in the meantime. However, as my portraiture business took off, it became apparent that marketing and building the business was consuming all my time, energy, and resources. No art was seeing the light of day. I became very disillusioned, frustrated, and even stagnate in my creative process. I then became very unmotivated, and when we moved back to the McKinney area 3 months ago, I didn't even unpack my camera.
In the past 3 months I have been on a journey to get motivated and to find out, once and for all, what I am supposed to be doing. A few weeks ago my mother and I began attending a women's bible study class. Through the bible study class, my individual bible study, and my prayer life, God has revealed himself to me in a whole new light. He has been answering tough questions that have plagued me for years, and given me much needed reassurance in the path of my life. And he showed me that I had not given everything in my life up to him. So I did the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I let go of the one part of me that I've been holding back from God all these years... my hopes and dreams. I have always feared that if I gave those to God, he would take them away or change them. But unless I did, I could not be in total obedience to him, have a complete faith walk with him, or have true freedom. So one evening I took a deep breath, got down on my knees, and expressed all my hopes and dreams to God and then gave them over to him. And then I said something that I never thought I would say... I asked God to bless my hopes and dreams or, if they were not in his will, to give me new ones. I now trusted him with every part of my life. I have to tell you that I have not regretted it one bit. Not only did God not take away my hopes and dreams, but he made them clearer to me! Yes, that's right... read on to find out how.
In the past 2 weeks I began thinking about my place in photography again. I even unpacked my camera and went on a photo taking adventure around McKinney. I once again started to work on my portraiture business and spent hours putting together collections for my clients. However, it wasn't until last week, when I had a complete emotional breakdown, that I realized I was headed in the wrong direction with my photography. In fact, I had been headed there all along. That is when God prompted me to ask myself the 2 most important questions thus far: "What moved your heart toward photography in the first place? What ignited that passion deep within you?" After much prayer and talking it over with my loving husband I decided to give up the portraiture business and focus on the art of photography. Let me tell you that it was the most awesome and freeing feeling that I have had in a long time. Immediately, creative ideas began flowing through my mind... like a whirlwind. This is the first time that I have told my entire story to anyone.
My hopes and dreams now lie in the path God creates for my life. Unfolding chapter by exciting chapter. My dream as an artistic photographer is to create wonderful works of art through photographs and bring an awareness of the world around us in a "stop and smell the roses" kind of way. I hope to one day have an art gallery.
I have done an entire overhaul on my Facebook page. Please go by and check it out. There is still much to be done, but I'm just gonna enjoy the journey! =)
Thank you for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Artistic Photography by Crystal Campbell
This blog is a record of how God continues to bless my life, creating and accomplishing goals, and tracking my way through life, career, and travels. I may make mistakes and some ventures may fail, but I am determined to live a fearless life chasing my dreams and exploring this beautiful world God made just for us. I cannot wait to see what adventures the next chapter of my life holds for me. I will never stop living until I leave this world....and then I will live forever with my Lord.
Scottsdale, AZ

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Busy, Busy, Busy...
After a short break, I am busier than ever. We moved back to the McKinney area in July. This time I had a business to move along with a family. Since my business is fairly new you wouldn't think there would be that much to do, but there was. My daughter started homeschooling online for her freshman year and so far is not liking it. She chose this so she will just have to deal with it, at least for this year. And of course we are not without our financial troubles... nothing new there. All that aside, I am now able to focus on my photography business once again. I have also been working with the youth department at our church. I love it!
My mom and I are involved in a women's bible study group every Wednesday morning. After the first class we went to she said she was glad I dragged her there after all. LOL We are really enjoying the class and learning so much. God is really using this to answer some questions I've had and to reveal his truth to me. It's a devotional study by Kay Arthur to deepen faith by studying the sermon on the mount. It is a great book and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to go deeper in their relationship with God. The book is called "Lord, I'm Torn Between Two Masters."
Right now I'm having to use my Facebook as my entire portfolio until I can get another website going. However, I'm hoping to have a website up again very soon. I've been out a few times lately taking some nature shots. I think that is my favorite thing to do. I'll be uploading some to my Facebook page tonight. I'm super excited to be putting my camera to good use again. I am currently trying to save up for some more equipment I really need as well.
Here are some previews of what I will be putting on my Facebook page.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
My mom and I are involved in a women's bible study group every Wednesday morning. After the first class we went to she said she was glad I dragged her there after all. LOL We are really enjoying the class and learning so much. God is really using this to answer some questions I've had and to reveal his truth to me. It's a devotional study by Kay Arthur to deepen faith by studying the sermon on the mount. It is a great book and I would recommend it to everyone who wants to go deeper in their relationship with God. The book is called "Lord, I'm Torn Between Two Masters."
Right now I'm having to use my Facebook as my entire portfolio until I can get another website going. However, I'm hoping to have a website up again very soon. I've been out a few times lately taking some nature shots. I think that is my favorite thing to do. I'll be uploading some to my Facebook page tonight. I'm super excited to be putting my camera to good use again. I am currently trying to save up for some more equipment I really need as well.
Here are some previews of what I will be putting on my Facebook page.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Summer Tent Camping in Texas... Boooo!!
We left last Monday to go camping at Possum Kingdom Lake. The lake is surrounded by the Palo Pinto Mountains, so it is very pretty there. We also saw lots of deer. They just walked along the campgrounds, grazing, in the evening and early morning hours. Those were the two best things about our experience. It seemed from the moment we began unpacking at the campsite, we were bombarded by a million flies. OMG!! I have never seen so many flies in all my life! Especially while we tried to eat. We had to eat with one hand while fanning off flies with the other. They would disappear late into the evening, but return with even more friends first thing the next morning... geez. Where do they go at night??? Do they have little "fly homes?"
On Tuesday morning, we switched campsites to be closer to the marked off swimming area. At first it seemed there would be less flies there too; however, we quickly found out otherwise. There was also a nasty wasp there too. We kept cool in the lake when we could; however, the sun was just too much. There was just no escape from the heat. Also, we had to keep moving while in the lake. If we stood still too long a minnow or small fish of some sort would come and bite us!! We all got nipped several times... ugh... Our dog, Bentley, loved the lake. He swam so much those two days that we had to make him get out of the water before he drowned from exhaustion... but he did sleep well at night... LOL
No matter how much sunscreen Cheyenne and her friend used, they still got very burnt. In fact, Cheyenne got sick that night so we decided to go home the next morning, (a day early). The last night we were there it was still so hot, but there was at least a good wind blowing. Of course, we didn't get the wind in our tent, so we laid out some blankets and slept out under the stars. It was very beautiful watching all the shooting stars, (once Cheyenne stopped puking up her guts), and we all slept fairly well.
Wednesday morning my wonderful husband got up early and packed up the campsite while me and the girls sat in the air conditioned car because it was already almost 90 degrees by 10:00 am. That's when we all decided that we would never, ever, go camping during the summer in Texas again unless it was in an air conditioned RV, cabin, hotel... etc. I also woke up Wednesday morning with a small place on my leg that itched. I thought it was a bug bite, but I was wrong. Since then, it has spread all up and down both my legs and my back. It itches like mad and it's driving me crazy!! I soak in oatmeal baths and use itch cream as much as possible. I have no idea what this is, but hopefully it will go away soon. It's probably some funky fish disease from whatever was in that water biting me!
Needless to say, we all rested well Wednesday night in our nice, cool, beds at home. =) I have a renewed appreciation for my "creature comforts" at home. Thursday was better. Scott and I met my parents up at Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma. We didn't win anything, but had a wonderful time. =) We rested on Friday and didn't really do much. Yesterday we went to a pool party at my sister-in-law's new house. It was so nice. She has a wonderful huge pool with a deep end at least 10 ft. deep!! They just don't make pools like that anymore. I got to actually "dive" into the water for the first time in almost 20 years! It was a great party with great food and lots of family. =) After the party we came home, showered, got ready and went out to dinner with my cousin, Lisa, and her husband, Chris. Lisa and I were inseparable as kids and teenagers; however, life, (and stupid ex-husbands), got in our way as adults. Last night was the first time I've spent time with her in over 10 years! Never again will I let that much time go by between me and any of my family members or friends. We had a great dinner then went and shot some pool until the wee morning hours.
Today, my hubby and I are just chillin' out. We are going to my parent's house tonight, then we are all going back to Choctaw tomorrow for some more fun and fireworks. Maybe we will win something this time... LOL Wish us luck!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
On Tuesday morning, we switched campsites to be closer to the marked off swimming area. At first it seemed there would be less flies there too; however, we quickly found out otherwise. There was also a nasty wasp there too. We kept cool in the lake when we could; however, the sun was just too much. There was just no escape from the heat. Also, we had to keep moving while in the lake. If we stood still too long a minnow or small fish of some sort would come and bite us!! We all got nipped several times... ugh... Our dog, Bentley, loved the lake. He swam so much those two days that we had to make him get out of the water before he drowned from exhaustion... but he did sleep well at night... LOL
No matter how much sunscreen Cheyenne and her friend used, they still got very burnt. In fact, Cheyenne got sick that night so we decided to go home the next morning, (a day early). The last night we were there it was still so hot, but there was at least a good wind blowing. Of course, we didn't get the wind in our tent, so we laid out some blankets and slept out under the stars. It was very beautiful watching all the shooting stars, (once Cheyenne stopped puking up her guts), and we all slept fairly well.
Wednesday morning my wonderful husband got up early and packed up the campsite while me and the girls sat in the air conditioned car because it was already almost 90 degrees by 10:00 am. That's when we all decided that we would never, ever, go camping during the summer in Texas again unless it was in an air conditioned RV, cabin, hotel... etc. I also woke up Wednesday morning with a small place on my leg that itched. I thought it was a bug bite, but I was wrong. Since then, it has spread all up and down both my legs and my back. It itches like mad and it's driving me crazy!! I soak in oatmeal baths and use itch cream as much as possible. I have no idea what this is, but hopefully it will go away soon. It's probably some funky fish disease from whatever was in that water biting me!
Needless to say, we all rested well Wednesday night in our nice, cool, beds at home. =) I have a renewed appreciation for my "creature comforts" at home. Thursday was better. Scott and I met my parents up at Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma. We didn't win anything, but had a wonderful time. =) We rested on Friday and didn't really do much. Yesterday we went to a pool party at my sister-in-law's new house. It was so nice. She has a wonderful huge pool with a deep end at least 10 ft. deep!! They just don't make pools like that anymore. I got to actually "dive" into the water for the first time in almost 20 years! It was a great party with great food and lots of family. =) After the party we came home, showered, got ready and went out to dinner with my cousin, Lisa, and her husband, Chris. Lisa and I were inseparable as kids and teenagers; however, life, (and stupid ex-husbands), got in our way as adults. Last night was the first time I've spent time with her in over 10 years! Never again will I let that much time go by between me and any of my family members or friends. We had a great dinner then went and shot some pool until the wee morning hours.
Today, my hubby and I are just chillin' out. We are going to my parent's house tonight, then we are all going back to Choctaw tomorrow for some more fun and fireworks. Maybe we will win something this time... LOL Wish us luck!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Here are some camping photos taken with my daughter's "Baby Nikon."
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Vacation time is here!! =)
So Scott officially began his vacation on Wednesday. It's been wonderful having him home! =) Tomorrow we will be celebrating my Mom's birthday at my brother's house all day. In other words, we are taking a trip to "Margaritaville." Woo Hoo!! There will most certainly be lots of great food and alcohol there. That's just how we roll in our family. LOL
We are leaving early Monday morning for our camping trip at Possum Kingdom Lake. I have never been there, but it looks so beautiful online, (no, they were not affected by the recent wildfires), and I cannot wait. We are going to spend 5 days just eating, swimming, and relaxing... exactly in that order and repeatedly. We will most likely not have cell phone service out there, so we will be completely out of touch, (which means peace...lol). That also means that I will not be able to update my Facebook Fan Page or this blog for a week... sorry. But I should have plenty of photos and stories to share upon my return.
A friend of mine from high school, Diana Almand, is in the process of creating a logo for my business... yay! I am super excited because she is an awesome artist! You can see her work on her Facebook page: Click here. I will also have a special surprise for all my Facebook Fans when I return, so tell anyone who is not already one of my fans to become one before the end of next week. Well, I need to go finish up our laundry and begin packing for our trip. Hope you all have a great upcoming week!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
We are leaving early Monday morning for our camping trip at Possum Kingdom Lake. I have never been there, but it looks so beautiful online, (no, they were not affected by the recent wildfires), and I cannot wait. We are going to spend 5 days just eating, swimming, and relaxing... exactly in that order and repeatedly. We will most likely not have cell phone service out there, so we will be completely out of touch, (which means peace...lol). That also means that I will not be able to update my Facebook Fan Page or this blog for a week... sorry. But I should have plenty of photos and stories to share upon my return.
A friend of mine from high school, Diana Almand, is in the process of creating a logo for my business... yay! I am super excited because she is an awesome artist! You can see her work on her Facebook page: Click here. I will also have a special surprise for all my Facebook Fans when I return, so tell anyone who is not already one of my fans to become one before the end of next week. Well, I need to go finish up our laundry and begin packing for our trip. Hope you all have a great upcoming week!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Monday, June 20, 2011
Fun and Busy Times
This past weekend was the most fun I have had in a while. On Friday, Cheyenne, Madi and I spent the day with my cousin Tonya. We hung out at the mall for a little while, had lunch at Taco Bell, then went to see Bridesmaids, (yes, again). It was just as funny the second time around. My cousin had not seen it yet, so it was fun watching her experience it for the first time. After the movie we went back to my cousin's place to swim. =) Later that evening my husband joined us and we had burgers from Wendy's, some Mike's Margarita coolers, and sat in the hot tub! Yes, it was 100 degrees, in Texas, and we were in the hot tub... LOL It was very relaxing and we all slept so good that night.
We got up early on Saturday morning and hit the water park, (NRH2O). We were there from 11:00am til about 10:00pm. The park officially closed at 9:00pm, but they had fireworks after so we stayed for that. It was a fun day of swimming... eating.... applying sun block... swimming... eating... applying sun block... etc. All of us reapplied our sun block every hour to hour and a half and we all still got burnt. What??!! Isn't it called sun block for a reason? I guess it's time for a different brand. Oh well, it was still very fun.
On Sunday, we all went to church and saw the Annie Moses Band perform. They are a wonderful christian family music group. They are amazing! You can check them out here. Then we came home and rested for a while, and Scott cooked steaks on the grill for dinner.
Today I began writing in my personal journal again. I have been kind of astray from God the past several months and felt that I needed to draw closer to Him. I had my prayer and Bible study time, then wrote in my journal. My journal helps me to keep track of how God is constantly working in my life, and helps keep me on track with my spiritual walk. I don't want to neglect my spiritual life anymore. I get too close to that dark place in my mind, and heart, when I do. The love of my Lord and Savior has been a miracle in my life.
I also worked on the photo shoot I did with Cheyenne and Madi. I now have them on a website for viewing and purchasing. Tomorrow I will need to do some tweaking on my business website and Facebook page. Scott's 2 week vacation begins on Wednesday. I'm so excited to have my man all to myself for 2 whole weeks!! =) Right now we are having a very intense lightening storm, so I had better get off the computer before it gets hit by a power surge or something.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
We got up early on Saturday morning and hit the water park, (NRH2O). We were there from 11:00am til about 10:00pm. The park officially closed at 9:00pm, but they had fireworks after so we stayed for that. It was a fun day of swimming... eating.... applying sun block... swimming... eating... applying sun block... etc. All of us reapplied our sun block every hour to hour and a half and we all still got burnt. What??!! Isn't it called sun block for a reason? I guess it's time for a different brand. Oh well, it was still very fun.
On Sunday, we all went to church and saw the Annie Moses Band perform. They are a wonderful christian family music group. They are amazing! You can check them out here. Then we came home and rested for a while, and Scott cooked steaks on the grill for dinner.
Today I began writing in my personal journal again. I have been kind of astray from God the past several months and felt that I needed to draw closer to Him. I had my prayer and Bible study time, then wrote in my journal. My journal helps me to keep track of how God is constantly working in my life, and helps keep me on track with my spiritual walk. I don't want to neglect my spiritual life anymore. I get too close to that dark place in my mind, and heart, when I do. The love of my Lord and Savior has been a miracle in my life.
I also worked on the photo shoot I did with Cheyenne and Madi. I now have them on a website for viewing and purchasing. Tomorrow I will need to do some tweaking on my business website and Facebook page. Scott's 2 week vacation begins on Wednesday. I'm so excited to have my man all to myself for 2 whole weeks!! =) Right now we are having a very intense lightening storm, so I had better get off the computer before it gets hit by a power surge or something.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Monday, June 13, 2011
Worn Out... in a good way
Today was a big day. I spent most of the day with Cheyenne and Madi doing their "sister photos." We shot some in Downtown Southlake, Downtown Grapevine, and at Grapevine Lake. It was great! =) I will have some "sneak peaks" of the photos on my Facebook Page in the next few days, so stay tuned. You can find me on FB under Crystal Campbell Photography. My fan list is growing, but we still need more, so please go "like" my page, and then share it with all your FB Friends.
We finished off the day, after the last part of the shoot, with BBQ chicken and swimming at the lake. It was so refreshing! We even took our Golden Retriever, Bentley. It was his first time away from the house, so he was a bit nervous at first, but once he hit that water there was no stopping him... LOL Now I am sooooo tired. I feel like I could sleep for days. I have a ton of work to do the next 3 days, because I'm taking Friday off to go out with my daughters and my cousin, then taking the girls to NRH20 on Saturday. It's going to be quite a week, but I love it! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
We finished off the day, after the last part of the shoot, with BBQ chicken and swimming at the lake. It was so refreshing! We even took our Golden Retriever, Bentley. It was his first time away from the house, so he was a bit nervous at first, but once he hit that water there was no stopping him... LOL Now I am sooooo tired. I feel like I could sleep for days. I have a ton of work to do the next 3 days, because I'm taking Friday off to go out with my daughters and my cousin, then taking the girls to NRH20 on Saturday. It's going to be quite a week, but I love it! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Up and Running!!!
Crystal Campbell Photography is officially up and running!! I finished the website and Facebook page. Yay! So everyone go visit my website: www.crystalcampbellphoto.com and go "like" my Facebook page. You can find it under Crystal Campbell Photography. I am super excited! This is only the beginning and there is still so much to do. I love having a lot on my plate and I hope it never slows down, because I wouldn't know what to do with myself if it did... LOL.
The family and I went to a graduation party today for a family friend. It was fun, but my daughter may have spent too much time in the pool and sun. She is not feeling well tonight. I hope she is feeling better tomorrow. I hate to see my baby girl sick. My step daughter, Madi, is here visiting us for a few weeks so I'm also trying to find some fun stuff to do with the girls that won't break the bank. Last week we went to see Bridesmaids
. It was so hilarious! It has been a long time since I've seen a movie that I laughed all the way through. I will have to see it again to catch parts I missed while we were laughing... LOL
I want to thank all my friends and family who have given me so much support with my new business. Especially my wonderful husband, Scott, and my awesome daughter, Cheyenne. I definitely could not do this without both of you. I love you!!! =)
Everybody go visit my site and like my Facebook page!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
The family and I went to a graduation party today for a family friend. It was fun, but my daughter may have spent too much time in the pool and sun. She is not feeling well tonight. I hope she is feeling better tomorrow. I hate to see my baby girl sick. My step daughter, Madi, is here visiting us for a few weeks so I'm also trying to find some fun stuff to do with the girls that won't break the bank. Last week we went to see Bridesmaids
I want to thank all my friends and family who have given me so much support with my new business. Especially my wonderful husband, Scott, and my awesome daughter, Cheyenne. I definitely could not do this without both of you. I love you!!! =)
Everybody go visit my site and like my Facebook page!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Friday, June 3, 2011
Well, I have had a very interesting day. As you all know, I am a photographer. I specialize in outdoor photography and my focus is on Maternity, Newborns, Small Children, Seniors, and Families. I recently received a Facebook message from a close friend of the family requesting my services at a wedding. A wedding?! Someone saw some of my work, loved it, and now wants me to do their wedding in Colorado this summer. I'd be lying if I didn't say that the idea excites me; however, my specialty is not weddings nor did I go into this business wanting to be a wedding photographer. So, I politely declined and suggested an awesome wedding photographer that I know.
End of story??? Oh no... not when it comes to my family. LOL Today I get a call from my brother who tells me that this couple doesn't want some high profile wedding photographer. They liked my work and want me. Wow! I have to say that, while my brother can be slightly harsh in his delivery, he brought up some valid points in why I should take this opportunity. I told him that I would think about it. I'm going to talk it over with Scott tonight and hopefully give an affirmative answer either way by Sunday. To tell the truth, it scares me a little... no, it scares me a lot. LOL I've never shot a wedding before and this would be a "sink or swim" situation. My way of thinking is that if I screw up an individual or family shoot we can always do retakes; however, I only have one shot at a wedding to get it right. Having been a bride myself, I know how important a wedding day is and how it can be ruined by bad photography.
On the other hand, I always doubt myself like this when trying something new and then it usually turns out that I exceed all expectations. Maybe I work best under my own pressure??? hmmm... could be. Also, if I don't do this I may regret it and possibly miss out on future business. If I do this, it will expand my portfolio and my business. I have always wanted to see Colorado. It's a tough decision. Well, I have a lot of thinking to do tonight and tomorrow. If anyone has any advice for me, please leave a comment. I could use it. =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
End of story??? Oh no... not when it comes to my family. LOL Today I get a call from my brother who tells me that this couple doesn't want some high profile wedding photographer. They liked my work and want me. Wow! I have to say that, while my brother can be slightly harsh in his delivery, he brought up some valid points in why I should take this opportunity. I told him that I would think about it. I'm going to talk it over with Scott tonight and hopefully give an affirmative answer either way by Sunday. To tell the truth, it scares me a little... no, it scares me a lot. LOL I've never shot a wedding before and this would be a "sink or swim" situation. My way of thinking is that if I screw up an individual or family shoot we can always do retakes; however, I only have one shot at a wedding to get it right. Having been a bride myself, I know how important a wedding day is and how it can be ruined by bad photography.
On the other hand, I always doubt myself like this when trying something new and then it usually turns out that I exceed all expectations. Maybe I work best under my own pressure??? hmmm... could be. Also, if I don't do this I may regret it and possibly miss out on future business. If I do this, it will expand my portfolio and my business. I have always wanted to see Colorado. It's a tough decision. Well, I have a lot of thinking to do tonight and tomorrow. If anyone has any advice for me, please leave a comment. I could use it. =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I'm Fixed!!!
You will not believe how much "computer drama" I've had lately. Okay, so about 3 weeks ago I decided to take a week off to do a little "Spring Cleaning" around the house. I got all of it done, and then sat down at my computer all ready to work only to find that my computer was sick!! It had contracted a virus... well, several actually. It was blocking me from doing anything including getting on the internet. I knew we wouldn't have the money to fix it right away, so I did the only thing I knew to do.... I pulled the plug. It was a sad day around here. =( We would have to wait for Scott's next paycheck before we could attempt to revive the old girl, so it was down for 2 weeks. There was nothing I could do except pray that, once we had the money in hand to fix it, our computer would restart and my files, (plus some unfinished photos), would still be undamaged.
I was not able to do anything for 2 weeks and my house was already clean. So I just kind of vegged in front of the TV and got caught up on some of my DVR shows. Scott and I had a nice long Memorial weekend with lots of grilling and appreciating the freedom we have due to the sacrifices that so many soldiers have given for our country. Finally, payday arrived. It took 2 days to get this PC working again. A big Thank You going out to Cameron for helping me as well. Fortunately, all my files and photos were unharmed. The only casualty was my wireless card... it was completely useless and had to be replaced. All-in-all I guess I was lucky not to have lost everything on my computer.
So now I'm back!! I finished Brandi and Charlie's Prom pictures today. They are on my facebook, (www.facebook.com/crystalcampbell55). I will also place some below. Anyway, thank you for holding on and staying with me through all this. =) Oh, and I did get some awesome protection for my computer so that virus thing will not happen again. =)
I was not able to do anything for 2 weeks and my house was already clean. So I just kind of vegged in front of the TV and got caught up on some of my DVR shows. Scott and I had a nice long Memorial weekend with lots of grilling and appreciating the freedom we have due to the sacrifices that so many soldiers have given for our country. Finally, payday arrived. It took 2 days to get this PC working again. A big Thank You going out to Cameron for helping me as well. Fortunately, all my files and photos were unharmed. The only casualty was my wireless card... it was completely useless and had to be replaced. All-in-all I guess I was lucky not to have lost everything on my computer.
So now I'm back!! I finished Brandi and Charlie's Prom pictures today. They are on my facebook, (www.facebook.com/crystalcampbell55). I will also place some below. Anyway, thank you for holding on and staying with me through all this. =) Oh, and I did get some awesome protection for my computer so that virus thing will not happen again. =)
Charlie and Brandi - Prom 2011
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Having a Blast!
It's going on 2 weeks since I left Corporate America and I couldn't be happier! =) Last week, while my hubby was out of town on business, I gained back 3 lbs!! Needless to say, I am back on the wagon this week. I have a new walking buddy, Scarlett, and we have been doing 2.3 miles every morning. The last couple of mornings we've taken the 2 little ones with us in the double stroller. We have to take turns pushing it because it is hard, but I will tell you that it is working by body! I have been so sore afterwards, but I like it. If I'm sore then I know I am accomplishing something... LOL.
I am also having so much fun working on my business. I finished the photos of my family from Easter Sunday, and of Scarlett's Family Easter photo shoot as well. They are already on Facebook, but I will post them on Flickr, and some on here tonight. I continue to work on my website. I took some tutorials and think I am finally getting the hang of it. Yay! I hope to have it live soon.
Meanwhile, my mom, (who had surgery unexpectedly last week), is now recovering at home. She is doing well; although, I think she is not healing as quickly as she thought she would. I do, however, see her on Facebook at least once a day. That proves that she is at least improving daily... lol. But she is still very weak so please continue to pray for her. "Get Well Soon Mom, so we can go have some Margaritas!!"
Okay... photo time! =)
See lots more on my Facebook page or click on the top right to see them on my Flickr photo stream.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
I am also having so much fun working on my business. I finished the photos of my family from Easter Sunday, and of Scarlett's Family Easter photo shoot as well. They are already on Facebook, but I will post them on Flickr, and some on here tonight. I continue to work on my website. I took some tutorials and think I am finally getting the hang of it. Yay! I hope to have it live soon.
Meanwhile, my mom, (who had surgery unexpectedly last week), is now recovering at home. She is doing well; although, I think she is not healing as quickly as she thought she would. I do, however, see her on Facebook at least once a day. That proves that she is at least improving daily... lol. But she is still very weak so please continue to pray for her. "Get Well Soon Mom, so we can go have some Margaritas!!"
Okay... photo time! =)
Annie and her kiddos:
Chris and her Grand-kiddos:
Scarlett's Family, (my Grand-Kiddos):
See lots more on my Facebook page or click on the top right to see them on my Flickr photo stream.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Friday, April 29, 2011
A Royal Day...
I was so ready to get my bum out of bed at 3:00am this morning to watch The Royal Wedding, so tell me why me alarm failed me!!?? I woke up at 5:25am and turned on the TV to see the boys choir singing. William and Kate had already said their vows and everything! I can't believe I missed her entrance... ugh!! I remember watching Diana's entrance to her wedding, when I was about 8 yrs old, and thinking she looked just like Cinderella, (she had the carriage and everything). I also remember thinking how long and boring the whole thing was until.... the "balcony scene." The first time a royal couple kissed on the balcony after their ceremony.
While William and Kate's ceremony had much of the same boring traditions, it also had a little modern flare to it; which I was once again drawn to. I love that Kate's dress looked like a modern version to that of Princess Grace. Grace Kelly had an elegance about her that I have not seen again until now... Kate definitely has it. The thing I love about these two is how wonderfully in love they are with one another. Little glances, blushing, and giggles between them... that is how it should be. It is too bad that Diana and Charles did not know that kind of love with each other. I could almost see Diana there, in the front row, smiling from ear to ear, (not too many things made her smile like that, but I know this would have). I believe that she and Kate would have been the best of friends, and I believe Diana was watching the whole thing joyfully from above.
I just had to post about this wedding... it is history after all. Now, I need to get back to work. I have much to do before my very own "Prince" gets home. =) My wonderful and loving hubby, Scott, has been out of town on business all week. I get to pick him up from the airport at 8:00pm tonight, (in about 30 minutes)... woo hoo!!! The newlyweds won't be the only ones celebrating their love tonight... I know, I know, TMI!! LOL
See Ya'll Soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
P.S. Oh yeah! I now have a business phone line. =) 817.490.0331 Yay!
While William and Kate's ceremony had much of the same boring traditions, it also had a little modern flare to it; which I was once again drawn to. I love that Kate's dress looked like a modern version to that of Princess Grace. Grace Kelly had an elegance about her that I have not seen again until now... Kate definitely has it. The thing I love about these two is how wonderfully in love they are with one another. Little glances, blushing, and giggles between them... that is how it should be. It is too bad that Diana and Charles did not know that kind of love with each other. I could almost see Diana there, in the front row, smiling from ear to ear, (not too many things made her smile like that, but I know this would have). I believe that she and Kate would have been the best of friends, and I believe Diana was watching the whole thing joyfully from above.
I just had to post about this wedding... it is history after all. Now, I need to get back to work. I have much to do before my very own "Prince" gets home. =) My wonderful and loving hubby, Scott, has been out of town on business all week. I get to pick him up from the airport at 8:00pm tonight, (in about 30 minutes)... woo hoo!!! The newlyweds won't be the only ones celebrating their love tonight... I know, I know, TMI!! LOL
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
P.S. Oh yeah! I now have a business phone line. =) 817.490.0331 Yay!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Getting up and Running
My blog was calling out to me tonight as it feels neglected and empty. I'm so sorry my dear blog... please forgive me. Okay, that was my moment of drama. Now on to reality. Friday, April 22nd was my official last day in Corporate America... Yay!! On Easter Sunday I took lots of photos of my family which I will post shortly to my Facebook and Flickr pages. It was so much fun and I loved every second spent with my family.
On Monday, I dove right into getting my photography business up and running. I began work on a website, (I'm finding that a very challenging task), and yesterday had a business land line put in my home. I have 4 possible bookings, (with people I use to work with), that I'm going to try and schedule for May to get me started off. I'm starting light because I want to get my website working in full swing before I begin booking shoots full time. I even got new editing software, so now my photos will be even more amazing! =)
Today I went to see my Mom in the hospital. She went in on Tuesday morning because she could not stop getting sick and she ended up in surgery to remove several hernias; including one that was making its way through her intestine. No more picking up the Great Grand-babies Mom!!!!! I told her she was very lucky she didn't bust her gut wide open before she was able to get treatment. Praise God! We are all very thankful that they caught it in time. She is doing very well and was beginning her physical therapy when we left. I believe she gets to go home in about 3 or 4 more days. Thank you, Jesus, that everything is okay.
My hubby has been out of state all week on business, but will be home tomorrow night. Yippie!!! I miss him so much! I am so proud of Scott for really taking the initiative at work and becoming a true leader. My Grand-baby, Gracie, just stopped by my room to say goodnight. As she ran out the door I said, "love you" and I heard her yell back, "love you too" from down the hall. That is the first time I have heard her say that! My Grand-babies are the sweetest in the world. I will have some great pictures of them coming up too. I did their photo shoot the weekend before Easter. I'm a little backed up on my photo processing because I wanted to wait for my new software, but now I will be working around the clock for the next few days to get it all done. Speaking of which, I had better get back to work before my boss fires me... oh yeah... I am the boss!! LOL I love it!! =)
See ya'll soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
On Monday, I dove right into getting my photography business up and running. I began work on a website, (I'm finding that a very challenging task), and yesterday had a business land line put in my home. I have 4 possible bookings, (with people I use to work with), that I'm going to try and schedule for May to get me started off. I'm starting light because I want to get my website working in full swing before I begin booking shoots full time. I even got new editing software, so now my photos will be even more amazing! =)
Today I went to see my Mom in the hospital. She went in on Tuesday morning because she could not stop getting sick and she ended up in surgery to remove several hernias; including one that was making its way through her intestine. No more picking up the Great Grand-babies Mom!!!!! I told her she was very lucky she didn't bust her gut wide open before she was able to get treatment. Praise God! We are all very thankful that they caught it in time. She is doing very well and was beginning her physical therapy when we left. I believe she gets to go home in about 3 or 4 more days. Thank you, Jesus, that everything is okay.
My hubby has been out of state all week on business, but will be home tomorrow night. Yippie!!! I miss him so much! I am so proud of Scott for really taking the initiative at work and becoming a true leader. My Grand-baby, Gracie, just stopped by my room to say goodnight. As she ran out the door I said, "love you" and I heard her yell back, "love you too" from down the hall. That is the first time I have heard her say that! My Grand-babies are the sweetest in the world. I will have some great pictures of them coming up too. I did their photo shoot the weekend before Easter. I'm a little backed up on my photo processing because I wanted to wait for my new software, but now I will be working around the clock for the next few days to get it all done. Speaking of which, I had better get back to work before my boss fires me... oh yeah... I am the boss!! LOL I love it!! =)
See ya'll soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Monday, April 18, 2011
Follow Me!!!!!
This is officially my "Follow Me" campaign. Okay, here is the deal... I know there a lot of you out there that read my blog when I post. However, I still feel a bit lonely because I don't "see" many followers. If you enjoy reading my blog regularly, please click on the "Follow" symbol for this blog. By doing this, you will stay up to date with my all my "goings on" and any "events" I may schedule.
Also, if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the best.
Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Also, if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the best.
Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Okay, so I finished working on my co-worker's, (her name is Sheenah), photos yesterday and took her the proofs last night. I was so nervous and afraid she would not like them. However, when I handed her the proofs I heard the "Screech of Joy!" LOL She loved them! I was so relieved, and she said she wants to use me to do photos with her entire family, (brothers, sisters, parents...etc.). Yay!! =) What a boost of confidence that has given me. Thank you Sheenah!!!
Tomorrow morning I have an Easter photo shoot with Scarlett, Cameron, and my grand-babies! In the afternoon I have a shoot with my best friend Jennifer and her family. I totally love this business!! The more I do, the more I want to do... it's so addicting.
I continue to work on my website. I hope to get it done very soon as I will have more time to work on it after this week. What?? Remember in one of my lasts post when I said I had some things coming up? Well, one of those things is that I will no longer be with my employer as of April 22nd. Yep, no more stress of Corporate America!! I'm so excited! Now I will have more time to home school Cheyenne and work my business. My husband continues to do well at this company, so big things are coming for him as well, (more on that later). ;)
Our future looks bright and it's all because God is blessing us in so many wonderful ways. I know the Lord will continue to take care of us if we just trust and depend on Him. And that is exactly what we plan to do. I must admit that I have not been in prayer and the Word as much I should be, but am working on changing that. Jesus will always be #1 in my heart, and it's time for me to show that to Him more. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to follow my dreams, have my own business, and be my own boss.
I can't wait for tomorrow! Check back for a sneak peak of tomorrow's shoots....
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Tomorrow morning I have an Easter photo shoot with Scarlett, Cameron, and my grand-babies! In the afternoon I have a shoot with my best friend Jennifer and her family. I totally love this business!! The more I do, the more I want to do... it's so addicting.
I continue to work on my website. I hope to get it done very soon as I will have more time to work on it after this week. What?? Remember in one of my lasts post when I said I had some things coming up? Well, one of those things is that I will no longer be with my employer as of April 22nd. Yep, no more stress of Corporate America!! I'm so excited! Now I will have more time to home school Cheyenne and work my business. My husband continues to do well at this company, so big things are coming for him as well, (more on that later). ;)
Our future looks bright and it's all because God is blessing us in so many wonderful ways. I know the Lord will continue to take care of us if we just trust and depend on Him. And that is exactly what we plan to do. I must admit that I have not been in prayer and the Word as much I should be, but am working on changing that. Jesus will always be #1 in my heart, and it's time for me to show that to Him more. I am so thankful that I have this opportunity to follow my dreams, have my own business, and be my own boss.
I can't wait for tomorrow! Check back for a sneak peak of tomorrow's shoots....
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Friday, April 15, 2011
I have the day off work today, so I'm writing early. =) I just finished editing the pictures from my shoot with my co-worker and her family. I am so nervous! I'm going to take the proofs to them this afternoon, so they can choose which ones they want. I was so nervous at this shoot that I totally forgot a lot of photographer "don't s." I also tend to rush things when I'm nervous, so I will continue to work on these issues. I am also now very anxious to get some workshops under my belt... the more I learn, the less I'll screw up. LOL I don't really think I screwed up. Sometimes I'm a bit hard on myself. I think it is because I expect more out of myself than anyone else does. Wanna see a sneak peak?? Okay... tell me what you think. Don't be afraid. I promise it will not hurt my feelings. I welcome constructive criticism, (just don't be ugly about it). Here ya go!
I have a few more photo shoots coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I'll be posting more photos along the way.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
So Much To Tell....
Well... there has been so much going on lately that I just do not know where to start. Okay, let's start with the photo shoot I was supposed to have on Sunday, April 3rd. My husband and I went to meet my mom, niece, and her kiddos at Town Lake in McKinney for their April shoot. However, it turns out that my niece had a prior commitment and could not make it and, since she was borrowing my parents car, neither could they. So we decided to reschedule for May, and I got some photo time with the little critters at the park before heading back home. It was all good. I will post some of those pics here shortly.
My April 10th photo shoot went a bit better. It was with a girl I work with, her hubby, their crazy cute little boy, and their brand new baby Cocker Spaniel. It was so much fun! I was so nervous that I think I might have been a bit too conservative though. I want to give my clients room for ideas of their own; however, I shouldn't just leave them waiting for instructions either. I need to figure out how to direct a shoot without feeling like I'm being too bossy or pushy. Any suggestions from any pros out there????
Okay... on a not-so-better note, things at work have been getting worse by the day. There is just no pay high enough to deal with the kind of abuse we have to take on a daily basis. I really don't like getting screamed at for something I have no control over, can't do anything about, and can't even defend myself over, (all though I wouldn't really be defending myself). Anyway, I also cannot sleep at night knowing what is going on "behind the scenes" at this company. Well, at least in my department. My husband doesn't seem to have these types of issues in his department. Scott is doing really good with this company. I'm very happy for him and I hope it will lead to big things in his future. However, my time there is up... I handed in my 2 weeks last Monday. My official last day will be April 22nd. No worries though, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I have some other "irons in the fire" so to speak... (more on those later).
So, all in all, it has been a pretty busy, stressful, and confusing month for me. Hopefully, I will begin to get some clarity come April 22nd. =) I hope all you guys out there are having a much better day, week, month than I am... LOL Oh yeah, since I have so many things coming up I may not be able to post everyday, all though I will try. But I will post at least once a week. So please keep checking back, because you never know what will happen next in Mi Vida Loca. LOL
Oh wait... I have one more bit of exciting news! I lost another 3 lbs last week so all together, since January, I've lost 22 lbs.!!!!! Yea Me!! Actually, Yea God. There is no way I could be changing my lifestyle, eating habits, and sticking to my exercise routine without His strength. Thank you, Jesus!! =)
See You Soon!!! Check back regularly!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
My April 10th photo shoot went a bit better. It was with a girl I work with, her hubby, their crazy cute little boy, and their brand new baby Cocker Spaniel. It was so much fun! I was so nervous that I think I might have been a bit too conservative though. I want to give my clients room for ideas of their own; however, I shouldn't just leave them waiting for instructions either. I need to figure out how to direct a shoot without feeling like I'm being too bossy or pushy. Any suggestions from any pros out there????
Okay... on a not-so-better note, things at work have been getting worse by the day. There is just no pay high enough to deal with the kind of abuse we have to take on a daily basis. I really don't like getting screamed at for something I have no control over, can't do anything about, and can't even defend myself over, (all though I wouldn't really be defending myself). Anyway, I also cannot sleep at night knowing what is going on "behind the scenes" at this company. Well, at least in my department. My husband doesn't seem to have these types of issues in his department. Scott is doing really good with this company. I'm very happy for him and I hope it will lead to big things in his future. However, my time there is up... I handed in my 2 weeks last Monday. My official last day will be April 22nd. No worries though, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I have some other "irons in the fire" so to speak... (more on those later).
So, all in all, it has been a pretty busy, stressful, and confusing month for me. Hopefully, I will begin to get some clarity come April 22nd. =) I hope all you guys out there are having a much better day, week, month than I am... LOL Oh yeah, since I have so many things coming up I may not be able to post everyday, all though I will try. But I will post at least once a week. So please keep checking back, because you never know what will happen next in Mi Vida Loca. LOL
Oh wait... I have one more bit of exciting news! I lost another 3 lbs last week so all together, since January, I've lost 22 lbs.!!!!! Yea Me!! Actually, Yea God. There is no way I could be changing my lifestyle, eating habits, and sticking to my exercise routine without His strength. Thank you, Jesus!! =)
See You Soon!!! Check back regularly!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Feeling Better
What a time I've been having the past several days. Where do I begin? Remember that medicine I said I was thinking about not taking??? Well, thanks to that, (and all the stress at work), I found myself in the ER on Friday morning. Last week I was progressively getting worse and worse until I just couldn't take it any longer. I knew my blood pressure was high Friday morning at work, but I held out as long as I could, then finally left around 11:00am. My doctor's office closes at noon on Fridays, so I went to the urgent care. The urgent care doctor sent me to the ER. The ER doctor asked me some questions, ran some tests, and lo and behold... what did I hear???? A doctor agreeing with me!! The ER doctor said since I had already lost a bit of weight, (21 lbs to be exact), that perhaps I should not have been placed on the Medforman for diabetes.
It seems I have my blood sugar under control with my diet and exercise plan already. I was super happy!!! =) I stopped taking it right away and let me tell you... this whole week I have felt better than ever before!! Doctor's are great, but even they can make mistakes. The moral of this story??? LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! If the doctor is telling you to take a med, and you feel worse than before, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! And vice versa... If you know that you are sick, but the doctor says nothing is wrong, and you don't get any better... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!! I cannot emphasize this enough... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! Nobody on this Earth knows your body as well as you do.
Needless to say, I've been doing great and sticking to my healthy eating and walking 2 miles a day plan. I'm also taking some steps to reduce the stress in my life, (more to come on that later). Anyway, I am very tired tonight so I'm off to bed... Good Night.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
P.S. Not sure if I will get a chance to post tomorrow. If not, then Thursday I will write about what happened with the photo shoot I had scheduled for this past Sunday... hmmm... stay tuned. =)
It seems I have my blood sugar under control with my diet and exercise plan already. I was super happy!!! =) I stopped taking it right away and let me tell you... this whole week I have felt better than ever before!! Doctor's are great, but even they can make mistakes. The moral of this story??? LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! If the doctor is telling you to take a med, and you feel worse than before, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! And vice versa... If you know that you are sick, but the doctor says nothing is wrong, and you don't get any better... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!!! I cannot emphasize this enough... LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! Nobody on this Earth knows your body as well as you do.
Needless to say, I've been doing great and sticking to my healthy eating and walking 2 miles a day plan. I'm also taking some steps to reduce the stress in my life, (more to come on that later). Anyway, I am very tired tonight so I'm off to bed... Good Night.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
P.S. Not sure if I will get a chance to post tomorrow. If not, then Thursday I will write about what happened with the photo shoot I had scheduled for this past Sunday... hmmm... stay tuned. =)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wonderful Technology
So, I didn't get to post last night but it wasn't my fault... for once. Most of the time technology is great; however, every once in a while it sucks. My Internet went down last night, so I was not able to get on anything. I tried my phone and the Internet on it wasn't working either. Go figure. It's back up today but still going in and out which makes it hard to stay connected to anything.
Tonight's entry will be short and sweet as I have not been feeling well lately. I find it a little odd how I've had this diabetes for a while and never felt sick or anything, but the minute they put me on meds, (supposedly to protect my body from the diabetes), I've been sick everyday and my blood pressure is getting higher as well. Hmmm... today was the worse. I know that usually it is not a good idea to get off your meds when you have something like this, but I'm tired of feeling sick. I can still control the diabetes with diet and exercise, (which I've been doing good at the past couple of months), so that is the way I'm going to do it. All I know is that I didn't have any symptoms before I began the meds, and now I can't get out of the restroom, I'm tired a lot, cold all the time, have flushing, and high blood pressure. I know my body better than anyone else, so I'm going to take back control.
I know that God will protect and sustain me while I get my body back into shape. I'm working very hard to do just that by totally changing to a healthy diet and walking 2 miles everyday. Life is too short to waste on self inflicted diseases. My mission right now is to become a new, more spiritual, and physically healthier, stronger me. Did I say tonight's blog was going to be short and sweet??? LOL Oh well... I'm going to be up a bit longer anyway waiting on my sweet hubby to call from CA. I can't wait until he gets home tomorrow night! Yay!! =) I'm going to try and do a few more things on the Internet, (if it holds up). See ya soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Tonight's entry will be short and sweet as I have not been feeling well lately. I find it a little odd how I've had this diabetes for a while and never felt sick or anything, but the minute they put me on meds, (supposedly to protect my body from the diabetes), I've been sick everyday and my blood pressure is getting higher as well. Hmmm... today was the worse. I know that usually it is not a good idea to get off your meds when you have something like this, but I'm tired of feeling sick. I can still control the diabetes with diet and exercise, (which I've been doing good at the past couple of months), so that is the way I'm going to do it. All I know is that I didn't have any symptoms before I began the meds, and now I can't get out of the restroom, I'm tired a lot, cold all the time, have flushing, and high blood pressure. I know my body better than anyone else, so I'm going to take back control.
I know that God will protect and sustain me while I get my body back into shape. I'm working very hard to do just that by totally changing to a healthy diet and walking 2 miles everyday. Life is too short to waste on self inflicted diseases. My mission right now is to become a new, more spiritual, and physically healthier, stronger me. Did I say tonight's blog was going to be short and sweet??? LOL Oh well... I'm going to be up a bit longer anyway waiting on my sweet hubby to call from CA. I can't wait until he gets home tomorrow night! Yay!! =) I'm going to try and do a few more things on the Internet, (if it holds up). See ya soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Rainy Day, Sunny Heart ... (can't keep a good woman down!)
Okay, so my hubby calls me this morning from Sunny California to tell me how great and beautiful the weather is out there... and how much fun he and his daughter are going to have at Disneyland. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in my cube at work, watching the dreary rain, and freezing my butt off... What!!?? How in the world did I get left out of this equation? Oh yeah, that's right... no money! LOL I really am so glad that he was able to go see her. He hasn't really been able to do that over the past couple of years, so I know they are having a wonderful time. However, I did order him to bring the Sunshine, (that he stole), back with him!! LOL
I was so bummed today because it is so yucky outside and I did not get to go for my usual 2 mile walk at lunch. Then I came home and saw the most wonderful thing! My favorite photographer of all time, Jason Lanier, is having a workshop in Louisiana!! Yes!! This man is a totally amazing photographer. I strive to have his caliber of quality in my own photos. He is a master at what he does. Anyway, his workshops are usually more than I can afford; however, he is doing some that are FREE for the first 2 hours. The other 2 hours are spent with a model so he can't cut out that cost, but still, it's only $100. I was so excited!! It's just a few hours drive to LA and I would be learning from one of the best!! Then I saw it was on April 9th.... darn!!! I have to work that day!!! It has to be on the one Saturday a month I have to work. LOL I also have a photo shoot that day, (yay!!), so I would not have been able to attend anyway.
So, the light at the end of the tunnel? He will do these anywhere I can get some people together for the workshop. Yay again!!!! =) This is where you come in. If you are a photographer, know a photographer, or just want to learn more about photography, and are interested in attending one of his workshops, then send me an email at: crystalcampbellphotography@gmail.com, and I will put you on the list. Meanwhile, you can go to: www.jasonlanier.com to see his work for yourself.
Well, I need to go finish up my San Antonio photos now, since I didn't get to them last night. See Ya Soon!!!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
I was so bummed today because it is so yucky outside and I did not get to go for my usual 2 mile walk at lunch. Then I came home and saw the most wonderful thing! My favorite photographer of all time, Jason Lanier, is having a workshop in Louisiana!! Yes!! This man is a totally amazing photographer. I strive to have his caliber of quality in my own photos. He is a master at what he does. Anyway, his workshops are usually more than I can afford; however, he is doing some that are FREE for the first 2 hours. The other 2 hours are spent with a model so he can't cut out that cost, but still, it's only $100. I was so excited!! It's just a few hours drive to LA and I would be learning from one of the best!! Then I saw it was on April 9th.... darn!!! I have to work that day!!! It has to be on the one Saturday a month I have to work. LOL I also have a photo shoot that day, (yay!!), so I would not have been able to attend anyway.
So, the light at the end of the tunnel? He will do these anywhere I can get some people together for the workshop. Yay again!!!! =) This is where you come in. If you are a photographer, know a photographer, or just want to learn more about photography, and are interested in attending one of his workshops, then send me an email at: crystalcampbellphotography@gmail.com, and I will put you on the list. Meanwhile, you can go to: www.jasonlanier.com to see his work for yourself.
Well, I need to go finish up my San Antonio photos now, since I didn't get to them last night. See Ya Soon!!!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Monday, March 28, 2011
Missing Him.....
My sweet hubby left this morning... thankfully he arrived safe and sound in California. I so wish I was there! It's not warm enough for the beach yet, but it is still so beautiful out there. My daughter says to me, "So I guess I'll be sleeping with you, huh?" heehee... she knows the drill. She's my protector when my man is away... LOL.
I have 5 photo shoots booked in April. Yay!!! I'm so excited. That may not sound like much, but remember, these are all freebies to get my name out there. My first chance to prove myself as a photographer. I really hope I do a good job for them.
Okay, gotta get back to my pictures. See ya soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
I have 5 photo shoots booked in April. Yay!!! I'm so excited. That may not sound like much, but remember, these are all freebies to get my name out there. My first chance to prove myself as a photographer. I really hope I do a good job for them.
Okay, gotta get back to my pictures. See ya soon!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Today I'm going to take it easy and relax with my hubby before he departs for California tomorrow morning. Not sure what I'm going to do with myself over the next week. I'm thinking... a girls night? A trip to Choctaw Casino?? Maybe watching movies or catching up on my DVD recordings??? I'm sure I'll figure out some way to keep myself occupied. =)
Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that, among all my other life activities, I have started homeschooling my daughter. She has been struggling in school since the 4th grade. The schools just kept teaching the next thing although my daughter was not learning what they taught her before. It was so frustrating... Texas schools have gone downhill.... If you have a child that learns exactly the one way that teachers know to teach, then they will most likely excel, make great grades, and love school. However, if you have children, like mine, who learn a different way; well, then your just up the creek as far as the public school system is concerned. Those children get left behind, put in the back of the class, and accused of being "trouble makers." My kids were not trying to cause trouble, they were just trying to understand why they were being treated so much different than the other kids. They got less attention and less help although they actually needed more help than the others who could understand. This year, my a couple of teachers actually accused my daughter of lying about the fact that she doesn't understand simply because she has to ask so many times for it to be explained!!! And why does she have to ask so many times??? It's because they just keep explaining it the same way over and over again. If a child cannot learn from the way you teach then maybe you should try another way to explain it!! As a result, my daughter began to give up the fight. She started not turning in classwork... not doing homework... not completing projects.... not because she wanted to be rebellious, but because she was frustrated with all the negativity she received from her teachers, athletic coaches, and even her cheer coach.
When will the schools learn that we do not have "Stepford Children?" They are not all from a cookie-cutter mold. Each child has their own strengths, weaknesses, talents, and personalities. Each reacts differently to any given circumstance... AND... many of them learn in a different way. <<<Big Sigh>>> Sorry for the venting, it's just the way I feel. The public school systems have been failing our children for many years now. I fought them through 2 children and I wish that I had gotten a clue earlier and done for my son what I am now doing for my daughter. My son, who was mistakenly diagnosed as ADHD for many years, is so incredibly smart but could not understand things like the other kids. I spent many years in the Principal's office conferencing with teachers. I actually had one teacher tell me that she only knew how to teach one way and that was it. If my son could not understand it, then she did not know what else to do. I could not believe my ears!! Where have all the great teachers gone? Needless to say, my son continued to struggle, and fail, his way through school until he dropped out... he was 17 years old and in the 9th grade!! It was disastrous. Of course, along the way we found out he was actually bipolar and by the time he hit high school he was also struggling with drugs. However, while I recognize that a lot of my sons later struggles were due to his undiagnosed bipolar, I also know that part of his struggles with drugs and bad behavior stemmed from years of frustration with the school system and with us as parents. I was naive back then, and believed the teachers were doing everything they could, so the harder the schools pushed us, the harder we pushed my son. I wished I hadn't been so blind. However, I'm determined that my daughter will not suffer the same fate in her education... and so is she.
Okay, enough venting. I'm so excited to be homeschooling my daughter! =) It will be a challenge because my husband and I still have to work full time; however, we are all committed to this and are determined to make it work. Thanks for reading my venting session, (I don't do it very often), now back to my relaxing.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
P.S. My son is now 18 years old. He is taking courses to get his GED and plans to enter college afterwards to study Forensic Science, (something he has wanted to do since he was a child). I'm so very proud of him and tell him that every chance I get. He still suffers with low self esteem, and thinks he is not very smart; however, I can see that he gains more confidence everyday. I believe by the time he completes college that part of him will be conquered. It is never too late... Knowledge is Power!!!!!
Oh yeah... I forgot to mention that, among all my other life activities, I have started homeschooling my daughter. She has been struggling in school since the 4th grade. The schools just kept teaching the next thing although my daughter was not learning what they taught her before. It was so frustrating... Texas schools have gone downhill.... If you have a child that learns exactly the one way that teachers know to teach, then they will most likely excel, make great grades, and love school. However, if you have children, like mine, who learn a different way; well, then your just up the creek as far as the public school system is concerned. Those children get left behind, put in the back of the class, and accused of being "trouble makers." My kids were not trying to cause trouble, they were just trying to understand why they were being treated so much different than the other kids. They got less attention and less help although they actually needed more help than the others who could understand. This year, my a couple of teachers actually accused my daughter of lying about the fact that she doesn't understand simply because she has to ask so many times for it to be explained!!! And why does she have to ask so many times??? It's because they just keep explaining it the same way over and over again. If a child cannot learn from the way you teach then maybe you should try another way to explain it!! As a result, my daughter began to give up the fight. She started not turning in classwork... not doing homework... not completing projects.... not because she wanted to be rebellious, but because she was frustrated with all the negativity she received from her teachers, athletic coaches, and even her cheer coach.
When will the schools learn that we do not have "Stepford Children?" They are not all from a cookie-cutter mold. Each child has their own strengths, weaknesses, talents, and personalities. Each reacts differently to any given circumstance... AND... many of them learn in a different way. <<<Big Sigh>>> Sorry for the venting, it's just the way I feel. The public school systems have been failing our children for many years now. I fought them through 2 children and I wish that I had gotten a clue earlier and done for my son what I am now doing for my daughter. My son, who was mistakenly diagnosed as ADHD for many years, is so incredibly smart but could not understand things like the other kids. I spent many years in the Principal's office conferencing with teachers. I actually had one teacher tell me that she only knew how to teach one way and that was it. If my son could not understand it, then she did not know what else to do. I could not believe my ears!! Where have all the great teachers gone? Needless to say, my son continued to struggle, and fail, his way through school until he dropped out... he was 17 years old and in the 9th grade!! It was disastrous. Of course, along the way we found out he was actually bipolar and by the time he hit high school he was also struggling with drugs. However, while I recognize that a lot of my sons later struggles were due to his undiagnosed bipolar, I also know that part of his struggles with drugs and bad behavior stemmed from years of frustration with the school system and with us as parents. I was naive back then, and believed the teachers were doing everything they could, so the harder the schools pushed us, the harder we pushed my son. I wished I hadn't been so blind. However, I'm determined that my daughter will not suffer the same fate in her education... and so is she.
Okay, enough venting. I'm so excited to be homeschooling my daughter! =) It will be a challenge because my husband and I still have to work full time; however, we are all committed to this and are determined to make it work. Thanks for reading my venting session, (I don't do it very often), now back to my relaxing.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Crystal Campbell Photography
P.S. My son is now 18 years old. He is taking courses to get his GED and plans to enter college afterwards to study Forensic Science, (something he has wanted to do since he was a child). I'm so very proud of him and tell him that every chance I get. He still suffers with low self esteem, and thinks he is not very smart; however, I can see that he gains more confidence everyday. I believe by the time he completes college that part of him will be conquered. It is never too late... Knowledge is Power!!!!!
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