I had it all laid out. I knew just how I would spend my 3 day weekend....
Scott and I would get up bright and early Saturday morning, (around 6am), and head to a nearby mountain trail. We would hike for about 3 hours, or so, enjoying the crisp, cool morning air. We would follow the trail alongside one of the many majestic mountainsides; pointing out unique rock formations to each other and marveling at the many varieties of cactus that blanket most of the area. We would stare up at the sky trying to take in the vastness of the clouds as they stretch along the mountain range and out as far as the eye can see; standing in awe of the beauty that The Lord our God created. Then we would offer up our words of praise and thanks to our mighty Creator before finishing the trek back to our car and into town.
Once in town, we would stop by one of our favorite spots for freshly brewed coffee and a hearty breakfast. It was to be pretty warm that day, so I figured we would come home for a short rest, and then head out to another mountainous hiking trail later that afternoon to catch the beautiful sunset that Arizona is known for. After a full day of hiking we would make our way back to our cozy little apartment for a light dinner before snuggling into bed for a blissful nights sleep that comes with such physical exhaustion.
On Sunday, we would get another early start and hit yet another hiking trail, then come home to shower & dress, and head off to church for a wonderful morning of praise and worship. After church, I would hang around for a couple of hours to watch the praise group rehearse, (as I am hoping to be able to join them soon), then go home, have a late lunch/early dinner; maybe watch some TV and just relax the rest of the day.
My husband didn't have Monday off work as I did, so I planned to just stick around the house and get some good writing time in and/or edit photos, (I am severely back logged on photos to edit), then having a quiet evening with my hubby once he returned from work. I would get to bed early so that I could awake the next morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for work.
Yep, I had it all planned out, but here's how it really happened....
Friday night as I sat at the computer figuring our budget and balancing the checkbook, I began to feel a bit strange. I felt a bit more tired than usual and my throat was a little sore. I thought it was due to a long work week and I would go to bed and feel better the next day.
When my alarm went off at 6am Saturday morning I made a really good effort to get out of bed. However, it felt as though my tonsils had grown twice their size overnight! It hurt to swallow, my head felt like it was in a pressure cooker and ready to explode, and my nose was so stuffy that I could hardly breathe, yet was about to run off my face! I still cannot conceive as to how these two things could happen simultaneously...ugh... As that was going on with me, my husband was fighting his own battle with a severe pain in his lower back. We laid on our couches for half the morning looking pitiful while we watched the Texas/OU football game, (it is the biggest rivalry game in Texas and I can never miss it); which didn't help me feel any better because we lost. =( So I decided we had better get to the store to get some supplies while I was still able to do so. I could feel the illness inside of me creeping up and I knew it would hit me hard very soon. I just didn't expect it to rear its ugly head at the store.
I stumbled around the grocery store like a drunk trying to hold myself up with the basket while already having to break into the box of tissues for my snotty nose. I got a lot of very interesting looks from people as well. As I struggled to stay on my feet with a dizzy, foggy head and woozy stomach, my sweet husband was shuffling down ales after ales, like an 80 year old man, getting as many things as he could. We managed to stock up on OJ, Mucinex, Tissue, 7-up and just enough food supply for the remainder of the weekend. I spent the rest of the day watching football in a medicated haze.
Sunday, I just laid on the couch, like a bump on a log, unable to do anything except shove medicine and a few morsels of food in my face. I thought I would surely wake up Monday morning feeling better and maybe, just maybe I could salvage that days plans, but no. After taking my hubby to work I came back home to shower, then I had to rest for an hour just to gather back what little energy I could. I rested most of the morning and got up around 1:30 to have lunch with my hubby, but really I just looked like a wondering zombie that sort of resembled his wife. Despite my total lack of energy we had a nice lunch, and then I returned home to my couch to spend the rest of the day recovering before going to retrieve him from work. I took more meds and was in bed by 8:30pm.
Thankfully, I felt a bit better this morning and was able to return to work. My head was clearer, (no more walking in a fog), but I still sneezed my head off all day and was blowing my nose every 5 minutes! I look like Rudolph for goodness sakes. Anyway, I'm glad to be feeling better. I guess my mountain hiking adventure will have to wait until this weekend, (hopefully I will be back to 100% by then). I hope you all stay well out there. Stay away from sick co-workers!!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
This blog is a record of how God continues to bless my life, creating and accomplishing goals, and tracking my way through life, career, and travels. I may make mistakes and some ventures may fail, but I am determined to live a fearless life chasing my dreams and exploring this beautiful world God made just for us. I cannot wait to see what adventures the next chapter of my life holds for me. I will never stop living until I leave this world....and then I will live forever with my Lord.
Scottsdale, AZ

Glad that you survived the weekend honey. Hopefully this will be your only bout with illness for this winter season. Now, off to the mountain trails.. Great post too!! :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading about your 3 day weekend. Wish it was a better one for you. We had a pretty good weekend, got Ebin on Friday and got to take him to "Halloweeno's" for his Friday night supper, as usual. He loves their chicken fingers. We took him to El Fenix 2 weeks ago (Jolly wanted to eat at El Fenix). He was not impressed. He got chicken fingers and said " these are not chicken fingers and they are not Halloweeno's chicken fingers, so back to Halloweeno's last weekend. Whatever makes him happy, right? lol...He enjoyed his 4th b'day and his gifts. He loves his Ziggle we bought him, rides it all the time.
ReplyDeleteHopefully you are feeling better by now. Maybe your hike can take place this next weekend...Hope it is a better weekend. And I am with Scott, hope your illnesses for the winter is over..God Bless and Keep you all safe. Love you and miss you all.. Is there another trip planned for maybe some of the Christmas holidays or New Years?... oh, by the way, we have 4 baby kittens. Calico (Cheyenne's gift to us) had a litter of kittens about a month ago and we just found them a couple weeks ago.
see u later. Mom..
Sorry, didn't mean to write a book..hahaha