Week#3 of my "Follow Me" campaign. So you may be asking yourself, "Why should I follow your blog?" And I ask "Why Not?" It's free, it doesn't take long to read as I generally have short posts, and it can be entertaining as I tend to have a lot of embarrassing moments...LOL
Come join me on my journey...the more, the merrier! =)
Here's how you can follow me:
1) Click on "Join This Site" under the Followers section and sign in/register, (it only takes a few seconds).
2) Submit your email address under the Follow Me by Email section.
By doing this, you will
stay up to date with my all my "goings on" and any "events" I may
if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter
news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I
ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only
way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the
best. Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Chef In Training
Crystal Campbell Art Photography
This blog is a record of how God continues to bless my life, creating and accomplishing goals, and tracking my way through life, career, and travels. I may make mistakes and some ventures may fail, but I am determined to live a fearless life chasing my dreams and exploring this beautiful world God made just for us. I cannot wait to see what adventures the next chapter of my life holds for me. I will never stop living until I leave this world....and then I will live forever with my Lord.
Scottsdale, AZ

Saturday, December 14, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Don't Be Afraid....Come Follow Me!
Coming into week#2 of my "Follow Me" campaign. I have another subscriber! Unfortunately, my husband doesn't count...lol Come on, people! Don't be afraid....you won't get any junk email or anything. You'll only be notified when I post something new. I usually post every 2-3 weeks, so you won't be overloaded with notifications.
Here's how you can follow me:
1) Click on "Join This Site" under the Followers section and sign in/register, (it only takes a few seconds).
2) Submit your email address under the Follow Me by Email section.
By doing this, you will stay up to date with my all my "goings on" and any "events" I may schedule.
Also, if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the best. Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Chef In Training
Crystal Campbell Art Photography
Here's how you can follow me:
1) Click on "Join This Site" under the Followers section and sign in/register, (it only takes a few seconds).
2) Submit your email address under the Follow Me by Email section.
By doing this, you will stay up to date with my all my "goings on" and any "events" I may schedule.
Also, if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the best. Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Chef In Training
Crystal Campbell Art Photography
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Follow Me!!!!!
This is officially my "Follow Me" campaign. Okay,
here is the deal... I know there a lot of you out there that read my
blog when I post. However, I still feel a bit lonely because I don't
"see" many followers. If you enjoy reading my blog regularly, you can follow me in one of two ways:
1) Click on "Join This Site" under the Followers section and sign in/register, (it only takes a few seconds).
2) Submit your email address under the Follow Me by Email section.
By doing this, you will stay up to date with my all my "goings on" and any "events" I may schedule.
Also, if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the best. Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Chef In Training
Crystal Campbell Art Photography
1) Click on "Join This Site" under the Followers section and sign in/register, (it only takes a few seconds).
2) Submit your email address under the Follow Me by Email section.
By doing this, you will stay up to date with my all my "goings on" and any "events" I may schedule.
Also, if you like my blog, please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter news feed. And don't forget to leave comments for me, (especially when I ask for feedback on my pictures or blog content), as this is the only way I will be able to gauge what parts of my blog you guys like the best. Thanks!!!!!!! =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Chef In Training
Crystal Campbell Art Photography
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Second Block Done!
The second block of school has come to an end and I'm still holding my A average. Yay!! The next block will be Foundations III and I found out that our class will have the same Chef Instructor we had for Foundations I! I'm so excited! He is the best teacher on this planet! =)
Now I have a 4 day weekend before the next block starts. Oh yeah! I'm going to do some research to scout out good photo locations around here. I'm sure it won't be hard...we live in one of the most beautiful states. In fact, I've been doing some photo editing today. I love working on my photos; however, I am in desperate need of a new computer...ours is super slow! It is very frustrating doing edits like this....it can take me 30-45 minutes for just one photo, (with very minimum edits). It should only take me 1-2 minutes. Oh well, will have to save up for a while for that....
Sorry this post is kind of boring but, other than school, not much has been going on. Fall is finally here and we were able to turn off our A/C and open up the house. It's been sooo nice. Especially when we got our electric bill and saw that it was 1/2 the price!! I love to save $$$$!
Anyway, I hope you all are having a great week. Below are some "sneak peek" photos of what I'm working on....I took them back in July, Aug and Sept. That's how long it has been since I've been able to work on my photography...LOL Enjoy!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Now I have a 4 day weekend before the next block starts. Oh yeah! I'm going to do some research to scout out good photo locations around here. I'm sure it won't be hard...we live in one of the most beautiful states. In fact, I've been doing some photo editing today. I love working on my photos; however, I am in desperate need of a new computer...ours is super slow! It is very frustrating doing edits like this....it can take me 30-45 minutes for just one photo, (with very minimum edits). It should only take me 1-2 minutes. Oh well, will have to save up for a while for that....
Sorry this post is kind of boring but, other than school, not much has been going on. Fall is finally here and we were able to turn off our A/C and open up the house. It's been sooo nice. Especially when we got our electric bill and saw that it was 1/2 the price!! I love to save $$$$!
Anyway, I hope you all are having a great week. Below are some "sneak peek" photos of what I'm working on....I took them back in July, Aug and Sept. That's how long it has been since I've been able to work on my photography...LOL Enjoy!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Monday, October 21, 2013
Flying By....
It's hard to believe that I'm half way through my 2nd block
of school already. The first 6 weeks
seemed to go slower and these 6 weeks is flying by. I have only the Foundations II class this
time, but it is a very fast paced course.
It's all stocks, sauces, soups, veg, starches, grains...etc. One day we are in lecture class observing a
demo by the chef, and the next day we are in the kitchen lab replicating what
he did the day before. It is
challenging, frustrating and exciting all at the same time. I love it!
I have also noticed, as I get deeper into learning about food, how to
prepare it, and even the financial part of it, that my goals and dreams are
changing just a bit. What I thought I
wanted to do with my new career going into school is now morphing into
something else. I'm still not completely
sure what I will be doing after I graduate, but I'm just going to wait and see
where this whole experience takes me. So
much can happen to direct, or redirect my path even while I'm in school.
I've had 2 cooking practicals and a written mid-term exam so
far in this class. My grades on the practicals
were okay, but I wanted to do better. I
have another one coming up in a week and I'm sure I will do better on it. Before I came to AZ and started school, I
would sit at home back in Texas and watch videos of past students on the Le
Cordon Bleu website. One of the ladies I
recognized as being a contestant on Hell’s Kitchen. In her video she talked about how good it
felt when her chef instructor held up one of her dishes and announced to the
class how good it was. The moment I she
said that, it became one of my goals to work toward. In my current class we always cook 3 items of
whatever it is we are learning that week.
A week ago we did 3 soups and one of them was Broccoli Cheddar. I was so nervous to bring my soup to the chef
instructor to taste. I had never made a
soup before and wasn't sure I executed it correctly. The chef instructor tasted my soup and then
just looked at me.... I thought, "Oh crap I screwed it up." Then he leaned toward me and said, "It's
the best one I've tasted all day."
My eyes got big and my mouth swung open as I exclaimed,
"Really?!" The chef then held
up my soup and told the class that it was perfectly executed; it was exactly
like the one he demoed the day before, and invited them to come over and taste
it! I was on cloud 9. I felt like a silly teenager, but I didn't
care. I was just so excited that I had
met my first huge goal and it kind of validated that I am supposed to be
there. Of course, two days later we were
back in the kitchen and I had the worst day I've had so far....so I came home,
climbed under a blanket on the couch, turned on my music and cried. My husband came home to find me just sitting
in the dark crying. LOL This cooking thing can take me to my highest high and
my lowest low, but I still keep coming back for more. I love it!
Determination and Persistence....always pays off.
Thanks for reading, "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Getting Juiced!!!
A couple of weeks ago, the hubby and I watched a documentary on Netflix called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It was so inspiring that we decided to go for it. We've been wanting to get a juicer for over a year now, but never seemed to have the money for it. After watching the documentary and realizing how urgent it is for us to get on the healthy track, we decided to bite the bullet and buy our first juicer. After doing some research we decided that the Jack La Lanne juicer was a good starter investment. It's about $100 and will yield as good of juice as the $200 Breville. I was going to do a 10 day juice fast and Scott was going to do a 60 day, but then we found out just how expensive that would be. So instead, we are going to juice 2-3 times a day along with making some better eating choices.
Of course, as soon as I said "I'm going to do a 10 day juice fast" my brain and body went into panic mode, and before I knew it, I was in Wal-Mart buying a bag of caramels, a bag of Kit Kats and a 2 liter Dr. Pepper. WTH??!! Well, I've figured out that I should not tell myself that I am limiting certain foods or cutting out so much. Instead, I will say that I can have anything I want, but I choose to eat the healthier foods. It works! When my brain and body knows that it can have anything it wants then it usually does not bombard me with strong, uncontrollable cravings, (except of course one week out of every month..lol).
So Sunday was the first day of juicing and we made the "Mean Green Juice" which consists of Kale, Celery, Lemon, Granny Smith Apples and Ginger Root. I then decided to add Cucumber and Gala Apple, (for additional sweetness) and Lime. It actually is not bad...of course, it will take some getting use to. I think of it like this: If you grew up eating nothing but healthy, crispy fruits and veggies your entire life...not junk, only healthy. Then, say when you are about 40 years old you decide to try a slice of pizza, (you know, to see what all the fuss has been about all your life...why everyone love it so much), and you take your first bite. Do you think you will "love" it immediately? Probably not, as it will be a much different texture than the fresh, crispy veggies and fruits you've always eaten. It might feel a bit soft, maybe even soggy in your mouth, you probably won't like the oily feel on your pallet or greasy taste, and it may even upset your stomach. However, if you continued to eat pizza on a regular basis and even ventured out to other fast food, then you would probably come to like it in time. It's the same thing in reverse...most of us have spent 20, 30, 40 or more years of our lives eating nothing but greasy, fatty fast food or restaurant food so that is what our pallet is accustomed to eating. Once we begin eating healthier foods we need to give our pallet time to adjust to the new textures and flavors, and our bodies time to absorb the vitamins and nutrients it so badly needs. The first 3-5 days of juicing is basically detoxing your body, (especially if you go all juice and not solid food), so you may feel sick, but once all the toxins are out then your body can reboot and will begin feeling stronger, you will have more energy, clarity of mind...etc.
I highly encourage everyone to watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It is the most inspiring thing I've seen in a long time. It will make you feel good and maybe motivate you to make some changes in your life as well. I've also made myself a juice of Carrots, Oranges, Grapefruit and Grapes....it was delicious! I used 5 Carrots and didn't even taste them! =) Below are some photos of our juicing journey....I'm going to ditch the candy and DP and get back on track, because I choose to do so, not because I have to. ;)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Of course, as soon as I said "I'm going to do a 10 day juice fast" my brain and body went into panic mode, and before I knew it, I was in Wal-Mart buying a bag of caramels, a bag of Kit Kats and a 2 liter Dr. Pepper. WTH??!! Well, I've figured out that I should not tell myself that I am limiting certain foods or cutting out so much. Instead, I will say that I can have anything I want, but I choose to eat the healthier foods. It works! When my brain and body knows that it can have anything it wants then it usually does not bombard me with strong, uncontrollable cravings, (except of course one week out of every month..lol).
So Sunday was the first day of juicing and we made the "Mean Green Juice" which consists of Kale, Celery, Lemon, Granny Smith Apples and Ginger Root. I then decided to add Cucumber and Gala Apple, (for additional sweetness) and Lime. It actually is not bad...of course, it will take some getting use to. I think of it like this: If you grew up eating nothing but healthy, crispy fruits and veggies your entire life...not junk, only healthy. Then, say when you are about 40 years old you decide to try a slice of pizza, (you know, to see what all the fuss has been about all your life...why everyone love it so much), and you take your first bite. Do you think you will "love" it immediately? Probably not, as it will be a much different texture than the fresh, crispy veggies and fruits you've always eaten. It might feel a bit soft, maybe even soggy in your mouth, you probably won't like the oily feel on your pallet or greasy taste, and it may even upset your stomach. However, if you continued to eat pizza on a regular basis and even ventured out to other fast food, then you would probably come to like it in time. It's the same thing in reverse...most of us have spent 20, 30, 40 or more years of our lives eating nothing but greasy, fatty fast food or restaurant food so that is what our pallet is accustomed to eating. Once we begin eating healthier foods we need to give our pallet time to adjust to the new textures and flavors, and our bodies time to absorb the vitamins and nutrients it so badly needs. The first 3-5 days of juicing is basically detoxing your body, (especially if you go all juice and not solid food), so you may feel sick, but once all the toxins are out then your body can reboot and will begin feeling stronger, you will have more energy, clarity of mind...etc.
I highly encourage everyone to watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It is the most inspiring thing I've seen in a long time. It will make you feel good and maybe motivate you to make some changes in your life as well. I've also made myself a juice of Carrots, Oranges, Grapefruit and Grapes....it was delicious! I used 5 Carrots and didn't even taste them! =) Below are some photos of our juicing journey....I'm going to ditch the candy and DP and get back on track, because I choose to do so, not because I have to. ;)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Our Juicer
I just LOVE all the new "colors" in our kitchen and fridge. They are the colors of healthy!
Mean Green Juice
Don't bee fooled by the look, it's actually quite good.
Carrot Juice
Orange Juice
There is nothing like fresh orange juice in the mornings....

Thursday, September 26, 2013
First Block....done!
I know I haven't posted in over a month, but school has kept me crazy busy. I'm not really sure how often I will get here, but will try to more often. Ideally, I would like to post at least once every 2 weeks, but we'll see how things go.
Wow....our classes are broken down into 6 week "blocks" and I cannot believe that the first block of classes are done! Now to relax over this long weekend....I think I've earned it. ;) Our Chef Instructor told us at the beginning of school that these first 6 weeks would be like being shot out of a cannon and he was not lying! The first few weeks were hard as I have not been in school in quite a few years, and getting back into the groove of a school/study schedule was challenging. Now I think I've got it down pretty well.
My first week of school seemed to be just a series of unfortunate events including turning in papers at the wrong time, for the wrong class, misunderstanding a sign on the door and showing up at the incorrect class, (which also cost me a few trips up and down a steep stairwell), cutting myself and taking out a small part of my fingernail on the first day of handling my knife, and of course nothing in my life would be complete without a really embarrassing moment....it showed up right on time the morning of my 3rd day of school. I was walking toward the front of the building behind 3 girls, (one being a classmate of mine), when they stopped in front of me and I attempted to go around them only to step into a shallow rock pit. My ankle twisted and I began to stumble for about 4 or 5 steps as I tried to regain some sort of balance....it all seemed to be happening in slow motion. Just when I thought I may be able to get my balance and save myself, my huge bag of books and knife case slid off my shoulder and took me down to the ground...oh yes, all the way down. I couldn't just fall on my bottom, no, I had to be stretched out over half the campus, (or so it seemed). Normally, there are only a few other students hanging around at that time but, of course, on this fateful day there just happened to be a large crowd of students standing around to witness the excitement of a "newbie" falling on her big ass....but what is a show without an audience, right? The funny thing is that my first thought after falling was "Oh crap my uniform! I hope it's not dirty!" WTH??? Luckily, me and my uniform came through the incident unscathed....nothing hurt but my pride, but who needs that anyway. When I picked myself up off the ground my classmate was right there to hand me my sunglasses that had fallen off. We later became part of a 3 person group that would last the whole block and are friends. I think it's safe to say that I probably made quite an unforgettable first impression on her...LOL
Things did calm down after the first week and all has been well ever since. We were so lucky to get a really great Chef Instructor for our first block of classes. I have to say that Food Safety & Sanitation, College Success, and even Foundations I were not particularly exciting classes, (but are important to our future success in this school and beyond). However, Chef Deflieze was so amazing! He made learning interesting, fun and exciting every day! I wish that I would have had more teachers like him in Jr. High and High School, (my life might have turned out differently if so). Chef Deflieze is hands down the best teacher I've ever had. There is a slight chance that we could have him again later in Foundations III....I am really praying for that to happen. =)
So now, here I am, at the beginning of a long weekend. I'm just going to take it all in and enjoy it....stress free. Oh yeah, and I weighed myself last week and discovered that I'm down another 4 lbs! That makes nearly 10 lbs lost in the 2 months I've been in AZ....Yay Me!!! Scott and I have been riding our bikes a lot and for longer distances. I know we will do even more of that since the weather is cooling down. Fall is my favorite time of year and I can't wait to be able to turn off the AC and just leave the doors and windows open all the time. Everyday here gets more beautiful than the last. No matter where we go, if we are walking Bentley to the dog park or riding our bikes all over town, we are surrounded by palm trees, blue skies and mountainous views. I absolutely love it and wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. I can't wait for even more activities and more weight loss!
Please keep visiting my blog because there's definitely more to come!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Wow....our classes are broken down into 6 week "blocks" and I cannot believe that the first block of classes are done! Now to relax over this long weekend....I think I've earned it. ;) Our Chef Instructor told us at the beginning of school that these first 6 weeks would be like being shot out of a cannon and he was not lying! The first few weeks were hard as I have not been in school in quite a few years, and getting back into the groove of a school/study schedule was challenging. Now I think I've got it down pretty well.
My first week of school seemed to be just a series of unfortunate events including turning in papers at the wrong time, for the wrong class, misunderstanding a sign on the door and showing up at the incorrect class, (which also cost me a few trips up and down a steep stairwell), cutting myself and taking out a small part of my fingernail on the first day of handling my knife, and of course nothing in my life would be complete without a really embarrassing moment....it showed up right on time the morning of my 3rd day of school. I was walking toward the front of the building behind 3 girls, (one being a classmate of mine), when they stopped in front of me and I attempted to go around them only to step into a shallow rock pit. My ankle twisted and I began to stumble for about 4 or 5 steps as I tried to regain some sort of balance....it all seemed to be happening in slow motion. Just when I thought I may be able to get my balance and save myself, my huge bag of books and knife case slid off my shoulder and took me down to the ground...oh yes, all the way down. I couldn't just fall on my bottom, no, I had to be stretched out over half the campus, (or so it seemed). Normally, there are only a few other students hanging around at that time but, of course, on this fateful day there just happened to be a large crowd of students standing around to witness the excitement of a "newbie" falling on her big ass....but what is a show without an audience, right? The funny thing is that my first thought after falling was "Oh crap my uniform! I hope it's not dirty!" WTH??? Luckily, me and my uniform came through the incident unscathed....nothing hurt but my pride, but who needs that anyway. When I picked myself up off the ground my classmate was right there to hand me my sunglasses that had fallen off. We later became part of a 3 person group that would last the whole block and are friends. I think it's safe to say that I probably made quite an unforgettable first impression on her...LOL
Things did calm down after the first week and all has been well ever since. We were so lucky to get a really great Chef Instructor for our first block of classes. I have to say that Food Safety & Sanitation, College Success, and even Foundations I were not particularly exciting classes, (but are important to our future success in this school and beyond). However, Chef Deflieze was so amazing! He made learning interesting, fun and exciting every day! I wish that I would have had more teachers like him in Jr. High and High School, (my life might have turned out differently if so). Chef Deflieze is hands down the best teacher I've ever had. There is a slight chance that we could have him again later in Foundations III....I am really praying for that to happen. =)
So now, here I am, at the beginning of a long weekend. I'm just going to take it all in and enjoy it....stress free. Oh yeah, and I weighed myself last week and discovered that I'm down another 4 lbs! That makes nearly 10 lbs lost in the 2 months I've been in AZ....Yay Me!!! Scott and I have been riding our bikes a lot and for longer distances. I know we will do even more of that since the weather is cooling down. Fall is my favorite time of year and I can't wait to be able to turn off the AC and just leave the doors and windows open all the time. Everyday here gets more beautiful than the last. No matter where we go, if we are walking Bentley to the dog park or riding our bikes all over town, we are surrounded by palm trees, blue skies and mountainous views. I absolutely love it and wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. I can't wait for even more activities and more weight loss!
Please keep visiting my blog because there's definitely more to come!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Crystal Campbell
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Getting Ready....
I could not be having more fun! Scott and I love it here in Arizona. We get up early and ride our bikes in the cool morning air, we can walk or ride our bikes anywhere we need to go during the day or night, we spend hot days in the pool and nights in the hot tub. My body has not been this active in years and it feels great. Friday was my orientation for school and Scott was able to take off work to come with me. It was very exciting as I walked through each line verifying info, getting my schedule and uniform...etc. I even met and took my photo with the president of our school! All the staff and instructors are friendly, have great attitudes and are available and willing to help anytime we need them.
I cannot wait to start school on Monday! I'm getting a bit nervous and hope that my brain can handle all the information that will soon be flooding into it. I think my biggest challenge is going to be keeping my uniform clean and pressed. We received 3 sets and they must be clean, pressed and wrinkle free everyday for class. Clean...absolutely clean...really? We are talking about white chef jackets... I've never been able to keep anything white clean....good luck to me! LOL
Thanks for reading, "All About My Business"
I cannot wait to start school on Monday! I'm getting a bit nervous and hope that my brain can handle all the information that will soon be flooding into it. I think my biggest challenge is going to be keeping my uniform clean and pressed. We received 3 sets and they must be clean, pressed and wrinkle free everyday for class. Clean...absolutely clean...really? We are talking about white chef jackets... I've never been able to keep anything white clean....good luck to me! LOL
Thanks for reading, "All About My Business"
Sunday, August 11, 2013
The New Me!!!!!
Here it is...as promised. Drum roll please........................................................................................
It's definitely short and I definitely Love It! And so does my hubby. ;)
New Life....
begun a new life here in Arizona. I have a new home, new career on the
horizon, practically a new husband since he shaved his head...LOL So I
thought...why not a new me? I felt a little adventurous and Scott and I
have been riding out bikes and walking everywhere, so I think I've lost
a bit more weight.... We've actually been having a blast out here. The night life is really great during the week, but especially on Friday & Saturday nights. There is so much to do, see, and eat around here! I feel like I'm in paradise! =)
Okay, I promised a surprise and I will give you a surprise. Get ready....it's going to be quite a shock....
The next post will contain the surprise..... Haha!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Okay, I promised a surprise and I will give you a surprise. Get ready....it's going to be quite a shock....
The next post will contain the surprise..... Haha!
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Loving Life.....
We are so loving life in Scottsdale, AZ! It is so beautiful here! Last night the hubby and I went for a 14 mile, (round trip), bike ride and it was great. The weather was mild, only about 91 degrees outside, no humidity, and a nice cool breeze as we rode along the sidewalks. On my left, the sun was setting a beautiful orange with a dark blue fading into a light blue sky and a view of one of our big mountains....then I looked to my right and there were white clouds spread across a baby blue sky and the background an even bigger mountain range. It was breathtaking. However, by the time we got home my booty felt like minced meat....so sore.
But we still went for a 5:30 am ride this morning. I have to say that I am so very amazed at how light it is that early in the morning. Day breaks here just after 5am, so by 5:30 we have complete light. All my life it's been dark at 5:30 in the morning...lol The sun sets around 7:30pm. I love it! Somehow, it feels like we have more hours in the day. We ride on a bike & walking trail out here called the Greenbelt. It goes for miles around town....beside golf courses, housing tracks, through parks, across bridges, under the road ways....etc. It is a great trail with beautiful views. It feels so good to get out there and move my body and use muscles I haven't used since I was 16 years old. Even my arms get a workout. I feel my body getting more in shape and stronger everyday.
I absolutely love living here. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for making this move possible. I give God all the glory, because without Him I would have nothing.
I have included a few photos I took from my phone this morning, but the iPhones have a crappy camera, so they are not that great. I will make a point of going out with my Nikon very soon for some awesome shots.
Also, I will have something to share with you very soon...it will be dramatic and a bit shocking, so stay tuned....
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
But we still went for a 5:30 am ride this morning. I have to say that I am so very amazed at how light it is that early in the morning. Day breaks here just after 5am, so by 5:30 we have complete light. All my life it's been dark at 5:30 in the morning...lol The sun sets around 7:30pm. I love it! Somehow, it feels like we have more hours in the day. We ride on a bike & walking trail out here called the Greenbelt. It goes for miles around town....beside golf courses, housing tracks, through parks, across bridges, under the road ways....etc. It is a great trail with beautiful views. It feels so good to get out there and move my body and use muscles I haven't used since I was 16 years old. Even my arms get a workout. I feel my body getting more in shape and stronger everyday.
I absolutely love living here. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for making this move possible. I give God all the glory, because without Him I would have nothing.
I have included a few photos I took from my phone this morning, but the iPhones have a crappy camera, so they are not that great. I will make a point of going out with my Nikon very soon for some awesome shots.
Also, I will have something to share with you very soon...it will be dramatic and a bit shocking, so stay tuned....
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Monday, July 29, 2013
Bittersweet Weekend.....
The Good Part.....
Scott, Bentley and I hit the road Friday evening for California. It was exciting to be able to drive to Cali on only a 5 hour trip instead of the usual 24 hours it took from Texas. We arrived late that night to a wonderful dinner from Juan Pollo's. I absolutely love that place! Juan Pollo has the BEST rotisserie chicken, rice, and tortillas ever! I first had it 6 years ago when my then soon to be in-laws catered mine and Scott's wedding through them. Now, I have to have it every time we go to Cali. We got up early Saturday morning and milled around a bit before heading to Newport Beach. Newport is my favorite beach in all of Cali. It is so pristine and beautiful. It was cloudy that day and too cold to go into the ocean, so we just enjoyed the area. We had a big lunch at the Rockin Baja Lobster. It was amazing! I had Tequila Lime shrimp and a Lobster Burger for the first time. It was sooooo yummy! I don't know how they do it, but they batter fry the lobster in a "patty style" without it getting rubbery or overwhelming the taste of the lobster. It was truly an outstanding meal. After that, we probably actually sat on the beach for about 30 minutes before we got cold and left...lol.
Saturday evening we took the ferry over to Balboa Island for some dessert and to enjoy the sheer beauty of that place. It has such an old town island community feeling. I love the houses there, (even though we couldn't afford one as they are well over $1million). I really enjoyed our weekend trip to Cali. Our dog, Bentley enjoyed it too. He met my mother-in-law's dogs Rose, (a Jack Russell Terrier, or terror...lol), and Belle, (a Lab). He and Belle hit it off right away. My mom-in-law said that Belle was in love....lol They carried on all weekend running, playing, wrestling. I think she wore Bentley out because he got in the car on Sunday afternoon and slept all the way home. I've never seen him so still for so long...lol =)
The Not so Good Part.....
Scott and I were sitting on a bench in the middle of Balboa Island Saturday night, enjoying a bowl of froyo and chocolate covered corn flakes, when my cell phone rang. It was my daughter, Cheyenne, calling to tell me that my favorite radio personality, Kidd Kraddick, had passed away that morning. My daughter said, "Mom, I just wanted to call and tell you before you read it on Facebook. I wanted you to hear it from me first because I know how much you loved him." And yesterday, on our way home from California, my son, Charlie, called to tell me the same thing because he saw it on the news. He said, "I know how much you loved him, I'm sorry for your loss Mommy." First of all, I am so very thankful to have children that think of me first and care so much about me in times like that. Needless to say, I am heartbroken.....
I have been listening to Kidd Kraddick since I was 17 years old. He's been in my living room, bedroom and car via the airwaves for 23 years. He made me laugh sometimes when no one else could...he could have me crying one minute, by reading one of his lovely Kidd's Kids letters of appreciation or something, and then have me laughing hysterically the next minute. Quoting Dolly Parton's character Truvy from Steel Magnolias, "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." It truly is and no one could evoke that "emotion" in me better than Kidd Kraddick. He wasn't just a funny man, he was a man with a BIG heart for others. Everything he did was an effort to reach out to and help others; especially his Kidd's Kids trips. He has inspired me so much through the years. It can feel silly being so emotional over someone you just listen to on the radio, or watch on the TV, but it isn't. My heart was filled with joy this morning when a member of his morning show, J-Si, said as much when he stated feeling that way is the biggest complement we could pay to Kidd as that was his goal. Kidd always wanted to be "real" on the radio and make everyone feel like they knew the real him. J-Si said the man we heard on the radio every morning was the real Kidd Kraddick. He was a sincere and genuine man who shared every moment of his life with us via the airwaves. It made me feel okay to grieve for him....it does feel like losing a very close friend or family member.
My mind and heart are deep in denial and just do not want to believe it's true. When you hear someone day in and day out for so many years like that, you just never think anything will ever happen to them. You just think they will always be there....I could not ever have imagined a weekday morning where I didn't hear his voice. Yet, this morning I did....I applaud the rest of his morning show crew that came on for a short while to share their memories and last moments with Kidd. I know that was probably the hardest thing they've ever had to do thus far. My continued prayers go out to his close friends and family. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they must be experiencing at this time. I am a better person for having known this great man and will carry his inspiration with me always. I love you and will never forget you, Kidd Kraddick ~~ R.I.P.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
"Keep looking up.....because that's where it all is" ~~ Kidd Kraddick
Scott, Bentley and I hit the road Friday evening for California. It was exciting to be able to drive to Cali on only a 5 hour trip instead of the usual 24 hours it took from Texas. We arrived late that night to a wonderful dinner from Juan Pollo's. I absolutely love that place! Juan Pollo has the BEST rotisserie chicken, rice, and tortillas ever! I first had it 6 years ago when my then soon to be in-laws catered mine and Scott's wedding through them. Now, I have to have it every time we go to Cali. We got up early Saturday morning and milled around a bit before heading to Newport Beach. Newport is my favorite beach in all of Cali. It is so pristine and beautiful. It was cloudy that day and too cold to go into the ocean, so we just enjoyed the area. We had a big lunch at the Rockin Baja Lobster. It was amazing! I had Tequila Lime shrimp and a Lobster Burger for the first time. It was sooooo yummy! I don't know how they do it, but they batter fry the lobster in a "patty style" without it getting rubbery or overwhelming the taste of the lobster. It was truly an outstanding meal. After that, we probably actually sat on the beach for about 30 minutes before we got cold and left...lol.
Saturday evening we took the ferry over to Balboa Island for some dessert and to enjoy the sheer beauty of that place. It has such an old town island community feeling. I love the houses there, (even though we couldn't afford one as they are well over $1million). I really enjoyed our weekend trip to Cali. Our dog, Bentley enjoyed it too. He met my mother-in-law's dogs Rose, (a Jack Russell Terrier, or terror...lol), and Belle, (a Lab). He and Belle hit it off right away. My mom-in-law said that Belle was in love....lol They carried on all weekend running, playing, wrestling. I think she wore Bentley out because he got in the car on Sunday afternoon and slept all the way home. I've never seen him so still for so long...lol =)
The Not so Good Part.....
Scott and I were sitting on a bench in the middle of Balboa Island Saturday night, enjoying a bowl of froyo and chocolate covered corn flakes, when my cell phone rang. It was my daughter, Cheyenne, calling to tell me that my favorite radio personality, Kidd Kraddick, had passed away that morning. My daughter said, "Mom, I just wanted to call and tell you before you read it on Facebook. I wanted you to hear it from me first because I know how much you loved him." And yesterday, on our way home from California, my son, Charlie, called to tell me the same thing because he saw it on the news. He said, "I know how much you loved him, I'm sorry for your loss Mommy." First of all, I am so very thankful to have children that think of me first and care so much about me in times like that. Needless to say, I am heartbroken.....
I have been listening to Kidd Kraddick since I was 17 years old. He's been in my living room, bedroom and car via the airwaves for 23 years. He made me laugh sometimes when no one else could...he could have me crying one minute, by reading one of his lovely Kidd's Kids letters of appreciation or something, and then have me laughing hysterically the next minute. Quoting Dolly Parton's character Truvy from Steel Magnolias, "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." It truly is and no one could evoke that "emotion" in me better than Kidd Kraddick. He wasn't just a funny man, he was a man with a BIG heart for others. Everything he did was an effort to reach out to and help others; especially his Kidd's Kids trips. He has inspired me so much through the years. It can feel silly being so emotional over someone you just listen to on the radio, or watch on the TV, but it isn't. My heart was filled with joy this morning when a member of his morning show, J-Si, said as much when he stated feeling that way is the biggest complement we could pay to Kidd as that was his goal. Kidd always wanted to be "real" on the radio and make everyone feel like they knew the real him. J-Si said the man we heard on the radio every morning was the real Kidd Kraddick. He was a sincere and genuine man who shared every moment of his life with us via the airwaves. It made me feel okay to grieve for him....it does feel like losing a very close friend or family member.
My mind and heart are deep in denial and just do not want to believe it's true. When you hear someone day in and day out for so many years like that, you just never think anything will ever happen to them. You just think they will always be there....I could not ever have imagined a weekday morning where I didn't hear his voice. Yet, this morning I did....I applaud the rest of his morning show crew that came on for a short while to share their memories and last moments with Kidd. I know that was probably the hardest thing they've ever had to do thus far. My continued prayers go out to his close friends and family. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they must be experiencing at this time. I am a better person for having known this great man and will carry his inspiration with me always. I love you and will never forget you, Kidd Kraddick ~~ R.I.P.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
"Keep looking up.....because that's where it all is" ~~ Kidd Kraddick
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Made it!!!!!
It was an exhausting trip, but we made it to Arizona on Sunday morning! In plenty of time to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. My sweet hubby had a bunch of "goodies" waiting for me when we arrived....a single Red Rose in a vase, a lovely welcome to our new home card, some Hostess Cupcakes, Godiva Chocolates, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Asiago Cheese Artisan Bread that he had baked just for me, (love that stuff), Dr. Pepper, Korbel Pink Champagne, (we had it at our wedding), a platter of shrimp cocktail and crab meat, a new Arizona Coffee Mug and even some chew bones for Bentley boy. I have the sweetest and best husband in the world!! =)
I've pretty much been sleeping the past couple of days to catch up. On Monday I took Bentley for a walk 3 times for about an hour each time. I guess I didn't realize how much the heat was affecting me, (because I can actually breathe when outside here), and nearly gave myself a heat stroke. I'm gonna need to only be outside in "little doses" until my body gets acclimated to the different type of heat out here. Even though there is not as much humidity here as in Texas, it is still stinking hot! I'm dripping sweat after standing outside for only 5 minutes and shower twice a day! Several people around here have told me that around Mid October the weather cools down and is very mild and nice the rest of the year. I figure that I can stand 3 months of intense heat if the other 9 months are paradise.
I really love our apartment! It's nice, quiet and clean with a wonderful view of palm trees and our lovely pool. I'm hoping to get to the pool either today or tomorrow. I spent all yesterday unpacking, so we are as set up as we can be considering we have practically nothing...lol One of the fun things about starting over will be the shopping for new stuff! =) I am now on the countdown to start school on August 19th. I am very excited and nervous. I know I will have fun and hope that I do well in my classes. It has been a very long time since I've been in school. Wish me luck! I've posted some photos of our new place. Welcome to our new home....
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
I've pretty much been sleeping the past couple of days to catch up. On Monday I took Bentley for a walk 3 times for about an hour each time. I guess I didn't realize how much the heat was affecting me, (because I can actually breathe when outside here), and nearly gave myself a heat stroke. I'm gonna need to only be outside in "little doses" until my body gets acclimated to the different type of heat out here. Even though there is not as much humidity here as in Texas, it is still stinking hot! I'm dripping sweat after standing outside for only 5 minutes and shower twice a day! Several people around here have told me that around Mid October the weather cools down and is very mild and nice the rest of the year. I figure that I can stand 3 months of intense heat if the other 9 months are paradise.
I really love our apartment! It's nice, quiet and clean with a wonderful view of palm trees and our lovely pool. I'm hoping to get to the pool either today or tomorrow. I spent all yesterday unpacking, so we are as set up as we can be considering we have practically nothing...lol One of the fun things about starting over will be the shopping for new stuff! =) I am now on the countdown to start school on August 19th. I am very excited and nervous. I know I will have fun and hope that I do well in my classes. It has been a very long time since I've been in school. Wish me luck! I've posted some photos of our new place. Welcome to our new home....
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
New Beginnings.....
Friday, July 19, 2013
It's Finally Here!!!!!
The day is finally here...we leave for Arizona first thing in the morning. But, of course, it just couldn't go off without a hitch. No...now what fun would that be??? First of all, let me start by just saying that I've probably only had about 5-6 hours of good sleep in the last week. My 6 day vacay was spent sick with my asthma for 2 days, trying to run my daughter around back and forth to her drive times and driving school, running errands, and packing for our move. I slept in maybe 2 of those days...but can you really call it sleeping in if I slept til 9:00am when I was up til 5:30am because my computer crashed and I had to back up all my photos and data, and then reformat the whole thing?
Anyway, yesterday was my last day at work and I had to leave a few minutes early to pick my Golden Retriever, Bentley, up from the groomers after his day of beauty. My phone died at work, so I was already on the road when I received a voicemail from my mother telling me that the dog groomers called and were going to close early, so someone had to go pick Bentley up and my step-dad was headed there. There was also a schedule change with my daughter's driving class, but he took care of that as well. (Thank you Marvin!!) Then I realized that Marvin would not be able to pay when he picked Bentley up, so I had to call while driving to town and make the payment. I ended up meeting my step-dad at the driving school to pick up Bentley and my daughter, Cheyenne, (after waiting an hour for her class to end). Afterwards, I had to take Cheyenne to Walmart to pick something up and then we headed to the house...finally I was going to get some packing done and maybe sleep...or so I thought.
When we get home Cheyenne decides we need to go get a pizza and she will pay, (from $$ her dad sent her). Okay, fine, so we go to town, (20 minutes away), and place our order, but the pizzas will take 10-15, minutes and she then decides that she needs to go back to Walmart to get drinks and a movie "real quick." So being the spaced out, sleep deprived, ignorant mother that I am, I said, "Okay." My daughter couldn't find the movie she wanted and after about 10 minutes decided instead to get t-shirts and paint to decorate them with Scarlett for their last night together. Little did I know the turmoil that was about to ensue.... We are standing in the craft isle and Cheyenne is having a conniption because she can't find a t-shirt in her size, well, in the size she wants it to be. You see, she found a "Youth Large" that fit but she absolutely refused to get it because she wanted an "Adult Small." What..??? I explained that they both fit her the same so what the hell difference did it make? Well, to a 16 year old girl, apparently it make all the damn difference in the world....because in teenage logic a "Small" is always better than a "Large" even if they are the same darn size!!!!!! Does everyone know that??? In t-shirts a Youth Large is the same as an Adult Small, but please, please, whatever you do, please don't ever try to explain that to a 16 year old girl in the middle of the Walmart craft aisle at 9:00pm at night! Especially if you are emotionally and mentally unstable yourself from having been sleep deprived. Oh and that is another thing....did you know that the angry raging hormones of a 16 year old girl are exactly the same as a sleep deprived and physically worn out 40 year old woman??? Oh yes, it was quite a scene at Walmart last night. Fortunately, there were not many people around the craft aisle that late at night. Anyway, 20 minutes later she finally found t-shirts that she was happy with and grabbed some paint only to finally decide that she miscalculated something and did not have enough money to buy that stuff and have enough to eat the next day. So yes....we actually put all that stuff back and walk away with nothing. I managed to somehow get the message to her teen brain that you don't have to spend money to make memories with someone. We then grab some Dr. Peppers and go pick up the pizza....45 minutes after we ordered it. By the time we get home and eat it is 11:00pm. I had a few things to do, so I of course didn't get to bed until my usual 12-1:00am. I went to sleep hoping the morning would go a lot smoother....little did I know....
My alarm was already set for 6:00am, which was way too early, but Bentley decides that he really, really, really needs to go to outside at 5:00am!! Even though he hasn't had anything to eat or drink for hours due to his impending surgery, but he insisted, so I drag my limp body out of bed and sleep walk him outside. We say hello to the dog who came running from across the street and walked to the middle of the yard where Bentley then stops and will not move. He just stands there looking up at me....what? We didn't come out here so I could potty! He did not potty, (no surprise there), and would go no further, so I turn around and walk back towards the house. Bentley walks directly to the front door and puts his nose to the knob....really Bentley? You drag me up out of bed an hour early just to walk half way across the yard and then come back??? I've concluded that having a teenage dog is a lot like having a teen age kid. Technically, he's 21 in dog years, but I've also come to the conclusion, (after observing the college kids at work and remembering my own 20's experience), that our 20's are just an extension of our teen years. Anyway, we go back into the house and I slip back into bed only to lay awake until my alarm goes off at 6:00am. I'm still optimistic at this point, (or maybe just still loopy from lack of sleep), so I get ready to start the day. I had to drop Cheyenne off at her drive time at 7:00am, an hour early, in order to get back 30 miles the opposite direction to take Bentley to the vet for his surgery, (neutering). I was in a hurry because I needed to get there by 8:30. I'm glad we left early...
After I dropped Cheyenne off I headed back to our town, but as I was rolling through McKinney I saw a huge rock in the middle of my lane. I swerved to miss it, but ended up nailing it. I thought to myself, "I hope my tire doesn't go flat now," and not 30 seconds later my steering wheel pulled to the right and I felt a "thump, thump." Crap! Luckily I was passing a gas station and pulled into it. Sure enough, my tire was flat. I didn't know what I was going to do, but then I saw a gentleman walking to his work truck and asked him if he could help. I had a spare and everything needed to change a tire in my trunk. He enlisted the help of his friend and proceeded to change the tire. They didn't really say much; they just started working on it. They had a bit of a hard time with my little nothing of a so called jack, but finally managed to get the car up. However, as one of the guys was removing the flat tire, the whole thing fell! Geez....thank God neither guy was under the car! So one of the guys went to his work truck and got a bigger and better jack. I was thankful and then thought, "why didn't they just do that in the first place when they were having such a hard time with my jack?" Oh well, at least they didn't give up on me. They continued on and got me on my way with only about a 15 minute delay. I was able to get Bentley boy to the vet in plenty of time. However, by the time I got home, I only had 30 minutes til I had to go get Cheyenne from drive time. The rest of the day has been busy but less stressful.
My husband is driving in from AZ and got a bit of a late start. He said he would try to make it here before dawn. That means I will be driving the entire way back to AZ, (17 hours).
I just have to make sure I go to bed early tonight. So now I will go finish up everything so that I can hopefully make it an early night. Hope everyone has had a blessed day! I know I have! God has surely been looking after us. Thank you Lord. =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Anyway, yesterday was my last day at work and I had to leave a few minutes early to pick my Golden Retriever, Bentley, up from the groomers after his day of beauty. My phone died at work, so I was already on the road when I received a voicemail from my mother telling me that the dog groomers called and were going to close early, so someone had to go pick Bentley up and my step-dad was headed there. There was also a schedule change with my daughter's driving class, but he took care of that as well. (Thank you Marvin!!) Then I realized that Marvin would not be able to pay when he picked Bentley up, so I had to call while driving to town and make the payment. I ended up meeting my step-dad at the driving school to pick up Bentley and my daughter, Cheyenne, (after waiting an hour for her class to end). Afterwards, I had to take Cheyenne to Walmart to pick something up and then we headed to the house...finally I was going to get some packing done and maybe sleep...or so I thought.
When we get home Cheyenne decides we need to go get a pizza and she will pay, (from $$ her dad sent her). Okay, fine, so we go to town, (20 minutes away), and place our order, but the pizzas will take 10-15, minutes and she then decides that she needs to go back to Walmart to get drinks and a movie "real quick." So being the spaced out, sleep deprived, ignorant mother that I am, I said, "Okay." My daughter couldn't find the movie she wanted and after about 10 minutes decided instead to get t-shirts and paint to decorate them with Scarlett for their last night together. Little did I know the turmoil that was about to ensue.... We are standing in the craft isle and Cheyenne is having a conniption because she can't find a t-shirt in her size, well, in the size she wants it to be. You see, she found a "Youth Large" that fit but she absolutely refused to get it because she wanted an "Adult Small." What..??? I explained that they both fit her the same so what the hell difference did it make? Well, to a 16 year old girl, apparently it make all the damn difference in the world....because in teenage logic a "Small" is always better than a "Large" even if they are the same darn size!!!!!! Does everyone know that??? In t-shirts a Youth Large is the same as an Adult Small, but please, please, whatever you do, please don't ever try to explain that to a 16 year old girl in the middle of the Walmart craft aisle at 9:00pm at night! Especially if you are emotionally and mentally unstable yourself from having been sleep deprived. Oh and that is another thing....did you know that the angry raging hormones of a 16 year old girl are exactly the same as a sleep deprived and physically worn out 40 year old woman??? Oh yes, it was quite a scene at Walmart last night. Fortunately, there were not many people around the craft aisle that late at night. Anyway, 20 minutes later she finally found t-shirts that she was happy with and grabbed some paint only to finally decide that she miscalculated something and did not have enough money to buy that stuff and have enough to eat the next day. So yes....we actually put all that stuff back and walk away with nothing. I managed to somehow get the message to her teen brain that you don't have to spend money to make memories with someone. We then grab some Dr. Peppers and go pick up the pizza....45 minutes after we ordered it. By the time we get home and eat it is 11:00pm. I had a few things to do, so I of course didn't get to bed until my usual 12-1:00am. I went to sleep hoping the morning would go a lot smoother....little did I know....
My alarm was already set for 6:00am, which was way too early, but Bentley decides that he really, really, really needs to go to outside at 5:00am!! Even though he hasn't had anything to eat or drink for hours due to his impending surgery, but he insisted, so I drag my limp body out of bed and sleep walk him outside. We say hello to the dog who came running from across the street and walked to the middle of the yard where Bentley then stops and will not move. He just stands there looking up at me....what? We didn't come out here so I could potty! He did not potty, (no surprise there), and would go no further, so I turn around and walk back towards the house. Bentley walks directly to the front door and puts his nose to the knob....really Bentley? You drag me up out of bed an hour early just to walk half way across the yard and then come back??? I've concluded that having a teenage dog is a lot like having a teen age kid. Technically, he's 21 in dog years, but I've also come to the conclusion, (after observing the college kids at work and remembering my own 20's experience), that our 20's are just an extension of our teen years. Anyway, we go back into the house and I slip back into bed only to lay awake until my alarm goes off at 6:00am. I'm still optimistic at this point, (or maybe just still loopy from lack of sleep), so I get ready to start the day. I had to drop Cheyenne off at her drive time at 7:00am, an hour early, in order to get back 30 miles the opposite direction to take Bentley to the vet for his surgery, (neutering). I was in a hurry because I needed to get there by 8:30. I'm glad we left early...
After I dropped Cheyenne off I headed back to our town, but as I was rolling through McKinney I saw a huge rock in the middle of my lane. I swerved to miss it, but ended up nailing it. I thought to myself, "I hope my tire doesn't go flat now," and not 30 seconds later my steering wheel pulled to the right and I felt a "thump, thump." Crap! Luckily I was passing a gas station and pulled into it. Sure enough, my tire was flat. I didn't know what I was going to do, but then I saw a gentleman walking to his work truck and asked him if he could help. I had a spare and everything needed to change a tire in my trunk. He enlisted the help of his friend and proceeded to change the tire. They didn't really say much; they just started working on it. They had a bit of a hard time with my little nothing of a so called jack, but finally managed to get the car up. However, as one of the guys was removing the flat tire, the whole thing fell! Geez....thank God neither guy was under the car! So one of the guys went to his work truck and got a bigger and better jack. I was thankful and then thought, "why didn't they just do that in the first place when they were having such a hard time with my jack?" Oh well, at least they didn't give up on me. They continued on and got me on my way with only about a 15 minute delay. I was able to get Bentley boy to the vet in plenty of time. However, by the time I got home, I only had 30 minutes til I had to go get Cheyenne from drive time. The rest of the day has been busy but less stressful.
My husband is driving in from AZ and got a bit of a late start. He said he would try to make it here before dawn. That means I will be driving the entire way back to AZ, (17 hours).
I just have to make sure I go to bed early tonight. So now I will go finish up everything so that I can hopefully make it an early night. Hope everyone has had a blessed day! I know I have! God has surely been looking after us. Thank you Lord. =)
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Teen Driver in the House!!!!!
As we get ready to move out of state we are trying to squeeze in some last minute things like getting my daughter through driving school. She will barely have enough time to finish, but she is doing very well. She passed her written test and got her permit last week....much to my horror. I am actually very proud of her; however, am a nervous passenger. I usually drive everywhere and my husband has become very accustomed to that, (even enjoys being chauffeured around I think...lol). I guess in the process of this becoming the norm, my fear of being in the passenger seat, and not being in control, has gotten worse. The day Cheyenne got her permit, I knew she would want to drive home when I picked her up from driving school. I cannot tell you how I dreaded it...all day at work I thought about it, went through all the worst case scenarios in my mind and got myself all nice and worked up. So when that time came, I was nice and scared out of my mind.....BUT, I did not chicken out! I knew that I could not disappoint my sweet baby girl; after all, she had worked so hard for this. So I took a deep breath and sat my rear in the passenger seat.
Luckily, the road we travel away from the school is a nice 35 mph road....nice and steady. Then we came to the 45 mph road...nice and steady. I was now getting somewhat relaxed and was encouraging her along the way. I think she was actually more nervous than I was as she just continued to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk.....(obviously a nervous habit she is unaware of). She asked if we could stop on the way home for a soda, so we pulled over at a local gas station and she went in while I stayed in the car and took several deep breaths. She was doing good, but my fear was trying to sneak up on me. Once she got her drink and jumped back in he driver's seat, we were off. As she pulled onto the main road, she began to pick up speed. My nerves kicked in a bit and then it hit me....we were on a main highway and the speed was about to go up to 60 mph!!!!! I felt that pit in my stomach, my body went cold, my hands were sweaty and clammy, my heart started beating out of my chest and I thought to myself, "Oh my goodness, I'm about to have a panic attack!" I haven't had a panic attack since I was a teenager, so this was surprising even to me. I kept my cool and did not say anything as I did not want to upset my daughter or make her nervous. I simply took some deep breaths and told myself to calm down....after all she is doing great, she's going the speed limit, she's slowing down when she needs to, and not following too close behind other cars....there is nothing to be afraid of.
I continued to encourage her and we eventually made it home safely. That night I knew I had to do something because I would need to allow her to drive every evening and practice as much as possible. So I did the only thing I knew for sure would work....I prayed. I laid my fear at the feet of God and asked Him to always keep us safe. I asked Him to help me with my fear because I no longer want to be a slave to my fears...I need to trust God more. Sure enough, he answered my prayer. The last few days she has been great and so have I. I keep my calm and only ask her to slow down a couple of times here and there just to settle my nerves a bit, (even though she drives great, she understands my fear and does what her irrational mother asks of her). Afterwards, I thank her for having patience with me. Go figure, usually it is the parent who needs to have patience with the teen... I can't image having a better daughter. Cheyenne has always been my little angel. She is very mature and has a good head on her shoulders. Now when I ride with her I am much calmer and can feel God's hand on us....guiding us...protecting us. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer and watching over us. I love you, Lord, with all my heart.
Today, my son, Charlie, came over and went with us to take my daughter to physical therapy. And I was glad she was driving because I did not feel well at all. I've been having trouble breathing for the past couple of days, but last night it got worse. I took my inhaler last night and this morning, but it didn't help much. It is very hot in my parent's house, (as it is an old mobile home), and this Texas heat and humidity is brutal on my asthma. Going outside to run errands made it even worse. I thought I might even need to go to the hospital. However, sitting inside the cool building waiting for Cheyenne to complete her physical therapy helped a lot. I went to the pharmacy to see if I could get a nebulizer machine, but they said I would need a prescription for that. So, I made myself a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning and hope they will prescribe it to me. In the meantime, I was able to use my Mom's machine to do a breathing treatment. I also need to make sure my pneumonia isn't trying to come back. I think it's just that the intense heat and humidity has triggered my asthma. I'm usually pretty much confined to the house during the summer months. Especially during the yellow, orange, and red alert days, (which is pretty much all of July and August). I am feeling a lot better now since it is night time and the temp has come down outside a bit.
I know Arizona is hot too, but hoping that the dry, and thinner, air will help a bit. Besides, if all I have to endure is 2 or 3 months of intense dry heat and then the rest of the year is like 75-80 degrees...I can definitely do that! In Texas you only have about 2 weeks of fall and 2 weeks of spring with those mild temps, (if we are lucky....giving 2 weeks is generous). I can't wait for 8 more days to go by. =) I'm so ready to see my sweet loving husband again and be with him in our new home. I'm so ready for this major change and new chapter in our lives. I can't wait to see what our journey has in store for us.
Going to go rest some more....have a great evening all.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
Luckily, the road we travel away from the school is a nice 35 mph road....nice and steady. Then we came to the 45 mph road...nice and steady. I was now getting somewhat relaxed and was encouraging her along the way. I think she was actually more nervous than I was as she just continued to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk.....(obviously a nervous habit she is unaware of). She asked if we could stop on the way home for a soda, so we pulled over at a local gas station and she went in while I stayed in the car and took several deep breaths. She was doing good, but my fear was trying to sneak up on me. Once she got her drink and jumped back in he driver's seat, we were off. As she pulled onto the main road, she began to pick up speed. My nerves kicked in a bit and then it hit me....we were on a main highway and the speed was about to go up to 60 mph!!!!! I felt that pit in my stomach, my body went cold, my hands were sweaty and clammy, my heart started beating out of my chest and I thought to myself, "Oh my goodness, I'm about to have a panic attack!" I haven't had a panic attack since I was a teenager, so this was surprising even to me. I kept my cool and did not say anything as I did not want to upset my daughter or make her nervous. I simply took some deep breaths and told myself to calm down....after all she is doing great, she's going the speed limit, she's slowing down when she needs to, and not following too close behind other cars....there is nothing to be afraid of.
I continued to encourage her and we eventually made it home safely. That night I knew I had to do something because I would need to allow her to drive every evening and practice as much as possible. So I did the only thing I knew for sure would work....I prayed. I laid my fear at the feet of God and asked Him to always keep us safe. I asked Him to help me with my fear because I no longer want to be a slave to my fears...I need to trust God more. Sure enough, he answered my prayer. The last few days she has been great and so have I. I keep my calm and only ask her to slow down a couple of times here and there just to settle my nerves a bit, (even though she drives great, she understands my fear and does what her irrational mother asks of her). Afterwards, I thank her for having patience with me. Go figure, usually it is the parent who needs to have patience with the teen... I can't image having a better daughter. Cheyenne has always been my little angel. She is very mature and has a good head on her shoulders. Now when I ride with her I am much calmer and can feel God's hand on us....guiding us...protecting us. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer and watching over us. I love you, Lord, with all my heart.
Today, my son, Charlie, came over and went with us to take my daughter to physical therapy. And I was glad she was driving because I did not feel well at all. I've been having trouble breathing for the past couple of days, but last night it got worse. I took my inhaler last night and this morning, but it didn't help much. It is very hot in my parent's house, (as it is an old mobile home), and this Texas heat and humidity is brutal on my asthma. Going outside to run errands made it even worse. I thought I might even need to go to the hospital. However, sitting inside the cool building waiting for Cheyenne to complete her physical therapy helped a lot. I went to the pharmacy to see if I could get a nebulizer machine, but they said I would need a prescription for that. So, I made myself a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning and hope they will prescribe it to me. In the meantime, I was able to use my Mom's machine to do a breathing treatment. I also need to make sure my pneumonia isn't trying to come back. I think it's just that the intense heat and humidity has triggered my asthma. I'm usually pretty much confined to the house during the summer months. Especially during the yellow, orange, and red alert days, (which is pretty much all of July and August). I am feeling a lot better now since it is night time and the temp has come down outside a bit.
I know Arizona is hot too, but hoping that the dry, and thinner, air will help a bit. Besides, if all I have to endure is 2 or 3 months of intense dry heat and then the rest of the year is like 75-80 degrees...I can definitely do that! In Texas you only have about 2 weeks of fall and 2 weeks of spring with those mild temps, (if we are lucky....giving 2 weeks is generous). I can't wait for 8 more days to go by. =) I'm so ready to see my sweet loving husband again and be with him in our new home. I'm so ready for this major change and new chapter in our lives. I can't wait to see what our journey has in store for us.
Going to go rest some more....have a great evening all.
Thanks for reading "All About My Business"
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